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grandpas glass

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Posts posted by grandpas glass

  1. 1 hour ago, FallingCherry said:

    If we’re being objective, production wise, COTCC is a better album, and it’s extremely cohesive, on the other hand BB is the strongest lyrically and the storytelling is brilliant. The production on some tracks is like whatever, mostly the unreleased ones excluding Thunder. And again, I’m not talking about personal preferences, because I personally prefer BB as a whole, but objectively the production on BB isn’t as rich or lively as on Chemtrails. Overall, I’d still say BB is the superior album because the production is still amazing, simply quite not on Chemtrails’ level

    I listened to the whole COTCC album some days ago to make a direct comparison and I find it kind of boring by now. I had somehow remembered it better. Almost every song on BB sounds better than almost every song on COTCC. And not just because BB is more recent or less heard. I've probably even listened to the latter album more often.

  2. It sounds a bit unpopular, but I would like to see an album like COCC with a clear concept, only a few (ten or eleven) mostly unknown new songs and a total length of no more than 50 minutes. The highest rated albums by other artists are only between 40 and 50 minutes long, so the album better not be overloaded. If it contains some leaked well-known songs, they should have a very impressive reworking, like Thunder.


  3. 12 hours ago, Thunder said:

    California is only liked by people because of who produced it. It really is nothing that special, and is my clear least favorite from Norman Fucking Rockwell. If no one had any clue about the production credits, I feel like many more people would feel the same way due to the Jack hate blinders

    For me, it's one of the catchiest and most repeatable songs on the album. I can listen to it over and over again without wanting to get rid of it (and I've listened to NFR several dozen times).

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