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  1. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by marcodelrey in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I'm pretty confident she will release an instagram story saying TRPWS is gonna come out on may 31 2026
  2. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I found this photo and decided to make a concept for this album, it's from the A&W shoot but it's giving me southern gothic vibes and a bridal theme could be fitting for the album cover

    1.There Were Stories From A Church Up North
    2.The Right Person Will Stay
    3.With A Heart Of Gold
    4.Henry, Come On
    5.Loved You Then And Now
    6. Has Anyone Else Died For You?
    7.In Gods Time
    8.Dance Nobody's Watching
    9.True Love Isn't A Game
    10.Roses Bloom For You
    11.Bridalveil Fall
    12.Stay With Me Now
    13.At Last (Etta James Cover)
    And a few notes:
    -There Were Stories From A Church Up North:
    Lana tells stories about failed relationships & marriages, which she can relate to as well, the storytelling is located at a church somewhere up north. I think something like that could be a great opener and ending the album with Lana finding love would make a beautiful journey, sonically I imagine it sounding like a fairytale or sth mystical, think about sth like "Dragonslayer" for example
    -With A Heart Of Gold: references Neil Youngs "Heart Of Gold" similar to how Lana referenced "Don't Forget Me" by Harry Nilsson in DYKTTATUOB title track
    - In Gods Time: The song she played at Fenway as an intro (at least in my mind)
    -The "Bridalveil Falls" are located in the Yosemite National Park,  it could mention /reference "Yosemite" the song  in a lyric or so as well
    -"Stay With Me Now" was a caption Lana used last year, maybe a pleading that her partner stays with her, even when hardships arise , now that she found true love
    - At Last:  Etta James Cover
  3. revadece liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    What if I said that Thunder (Demo, but more polished) could work on chemtrails as a 12th track somewhere in the tracklisting .
  4. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Anonymcomenter in The General Tracklist Rearranging Thread   
    Better Mistakes
        Alien      Better Mistakes      Thanks to You     Do It for Myself     Amore                       (Demo)     My Dear Love      Die For a Man      Tally      Ugly      Let My Hair Down     Trust Fall
  5. bia liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in The Weeknd and Lana Del Rey - "THE ABYSS" - OUT NOW!   
    lets hope for The Abyss (More Lana Del Rey Version)
  6. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in Musical Politics   
    melanie martinez making a diss track against her accuser was just simply insane in the worst way
  7. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by blueskiesforever in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Per her Instagram post announcimg the album, the singles are to be released before Stagecoach, but that was back in November and there’s no more info. 
  8. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Calling the album “Person” is so funny😭😭😭
  9. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Musical Politics   
    Also. Lana was right about sociopathy/psychopathy and narcissism that comes out from the hollow focusing of the external. 
    There’s a spirit of that in the music industry and touches of it in artists music etc. Don’t get caught up idolizing that so much lest you end up becoming/ exhibiting those traits. Having integrity is still good. How you make others feel is still very much important. Do the boring thing, don’t be ashamed of your and of hard work even if it seems boring. Self respect still counts and is wise. 
    People like that are empty and it’s all dependent on how great you make them feel. Don’t fall for it, they’re just covering up an elaborate nothingness and taking from you just to feel something fleeting. 
  10. White Hot 4Ever liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Musical Politics   
    I do think they're certain artists that shouldn't be supported such as Kanye West, Melanie Martinez artists like that who have done and / or said horrible things.
    I'm obviously not gonna talk about other artists (like D*ddy, R K*lly, etc) since they obviously shouldn't be supported, nor am I gonna talk about Taylor Swift because I think lots of people (not just on here) simply can't grasp that selling lots of variants, merch and vinyls (which honestly compared to pervious eras wasn't that much) is just good business practice (I do think she is open to criticism just not about that).
    In conclusion this is my opinion
  11. suibhne liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in YouTube recommendations / What you have been watching lately   
    Plumbella, their sims youtube channel is really good
  12. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Ultra Violet in Musical Politics   
    This is something I wish other fans would admit. How awful it is that they thought it was their job to dig up "receipts" of a wrong date, pretend that meant the *ssault could never have happened and then Melanie actually thanked them and put out a song about it
  13. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in Musical Politics   
    I’m sorry this happened. I think the album was originally planned to be 11 tracks and it was supposed to come out early. Somewhere along the way, I’m thinking he decided add more songs, which was a late decision as physicals were already produced. It sucks.
    on a side note, would these first press editions value more collection-wise?
  14. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in Musical Politics   
    The vinyl only has 11 tracks,
    It’s not an error.
    This was a cash grab for preorders.
  15. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Musical Politics   
    Awful. He's so much better than doing that 
  16. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by DeadSeaOfMercury in Musical Politics   
    Playing the new album from The Weeknd that just came in the mail, Yes I had tried canceling - But it had already shipped from the shop.
    The Abyss doesn’t have Lana on it.
    This rollout has to be the most deplorable from a major label artist that I can think of. Worse than Pink Friday 2 which I didn’t think was possible.
    Honestly I’ll never purchase another thing from him, He’s got to be one of the biggest pieces of shit in the industry atm. To do this to your fans, It’s just fucking disgusting and I’m pissed. Not going to rant - Just needing to vent.
    Fuck The Weeknd.

    Posted in this thread because if people allow this behavior, It’ll be the norm.
  17. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by ChelseaLeeArts in Musical Politics   
    Justice for all the beautiful voices we will never hear because they don’t come from money. Also fuck every corrupt music label that use people’s dreams just to make money out of them
  18. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Musical Politics   
    Personally, luckily, never really listened to problematic artists, maybe Kanye cus there’s value/quality to his stuff and cus he was just that big but. 
    As someone who likes to learn lessons, I think it’s good to at least be able to understand where someone might be coming from, from a musical perspective and see if that can be somehow used to better the movement or elevation of music. I think Spotify giving so little kinda offsets the whole supporting thing if it’s just once or twice. Unpopular opinion, but understand the wholeness of what’s being said either ya get it or not. 
    Gracie abrams is being shoved down people’s throats, but it feels like she’s just getting a lot of support from Taylor swift fans and I personally don’t see what she’s adding much of anything new unless you really look for it? Which let’s face it, that’s not the general norm nor should it be if she’s at that level of bought fame. 
    I actually kinda like Taylor Swift from a celebrity perspective. I think she can easily still write as if she’s in high school or that perspective, but I think she’s actually grown as an artist at least w folklore/evermore. I don’t however like the fans that take it so far to that level of fanaticism or absorb her personality from past work. I think she mentioned to stop sending hate to her exes that extent. Idk there’s just a pipeline there that can make some of her fans personality/ outlook annoying to be around. Still haven’t listened to the poet album, don’t think I will just cus it seems more quantity than quality and the interest isn’t really there. I do think she can be overall a safe kind of celebrity. White, gorgeous, vibrant personality, so in some ways it kinda gives basic white girl perspective which is fine do you, and I think there’s a certain comfortable expectation of how things are with her releases. 
    Smaller artists should really be more supported than bigger ones. I get competing w your peers at a massive scale, but if you’re in a position to help smaller artists get some traction, that just brings more to the party. I don’t think the industry’s set up in a way that can actually make much of a solid legacy artist since their setup’s mostly if not all about superficiality that they like to package as deep, and then get surprised when people move away from it. Like, huh? Wdym? U set it up this way without not really doing the quality work so ofc it’s gonna reflect that. 
    People put too much value in looking like a star, but are seldom afraid of looking ugly. And it’s that whole, well I’m beautiful but either no one deserves me or I’m beautiful but I want them so bad I can’t believe it why? As if that’s the only important thing, and then it’s ironic cus sure the look/outside is there, but you’re looking for spirit/ a soul when you haven’t even fostered one for your own self first yet. There are other working parallels. It’s not mathing. It’s so corny to me. 
    The less of a legacy an artist can foster, the more the industry wins. Since all they do is sap the fame and siphon the profit, and get to shush the artists into obscurity. So, that setup needs to be fixed majorly or everyone should just move away from that and let their system become a thing of the past by shifting away from all that. 
  19. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I'd rather a Fine China release but I do love I Talk To Jesus.
  20. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by The Missing Shade of Blue in 67th GRAMMY Awards (2nd February 2025)   
    Last year when it was announced that he'd be performing in my country, the leading national NPO fighting against gender-based violence organised a petition to stop him from entering South Africa. He actively went ONTO THE NPO'S INSTAGRAM POST ORGANISING THE PETITION to comment "can't wait to come ❤️" like a sarcastic prick. 
    He is constantly showing his true colours, and once again proved how he thinks that anti-GBV organisations are a joke.
    He does not care about women. He is truly sick. I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if he's directly linked to Diddy. He is one of the nastiest, evilest, pieces of shit on this planet, and for him to say something like that in a country that is unfortunately known for its harrowingly high rights of GBV is abysmally disgusting and foul. I will never shut up about this. I will never forgive him or the South African rape apologists and pick-me's that enabled this. 
    If you'd like to learn more, please take a look at https://womenforchange.co.za/.
    Edit: this is the same country where Oscar Pistorius shot and killed his own girlfriend and is currently walking as a free man. Dating a woman who is identical to the woman he murdered: https://www.yahoo.com/news/oscar-pistorius-lookalike-girlfriend-battle-200000089.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADIofwIe9efGC9LzbY16OYSzIJxRtLN1CCZFpwYQGjd04JfaXBplHlGV7AcUmMxJEkvWsdPJfwfxlUX9i2kZDofosb9ir1hxZaL6vtlW_0kvQkX50MbsInjUofWukP77Cu8SCUTX0mcu1RP5R2xNErmgOOIXAdbhejp0rRmQtGaQ
  21. bluechemtrails liked a post in a topic by Demonmic03 in Musical Politics   
    I do think they're certain artists that shouldn't be supported such as Kanye West, Melanie Martinez artists like that who have done and / or said horrible things.
    I'm obviously not gonna talk about other artists (like D*ddy, R K*lly, etc) since they obviously shouldn't be supported, nor am I gonna talk about Taylor Swift because I think lots of people (not just on here) simply can't grasp that selling lots of variants, merch and vinyls (which honestly compared to pervious eras wasn't that much) is just good business practice (I do think she is open to criticism just not about that).
    In conclusion this is my opinion
  22. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Rorman Nockwell in 67th GRAMMY Awards (2nd February 2025)   
    But it is worth saying again so all good 
    He has abused and assaulted so many people and he’s banned from basically half the countries in the world because of it
    Yet the Recording Academy sees fit to give him an award
  23. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by jaesana in 67th GRAMMY Awards (2nd February 2025)   
    I watched a deep dive on that man and he is legitimately sick in the head 
    edit: help idk why this posted again 
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