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About Semafori

  • Rank
    fanthony antano

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    motor city
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  1. Did they think they were untraceable, or were they just the average criminal getting caught because they're dumb
  2. Semafori

    The Sims

    dope, had a bunch of my friends who kept complaining about a lack of mods were using curseforge and didnt know, so im just checking in
  3. Semafori

    The Sims

    you guys do know about nexusmods, right?
  4. one more week and everyone here will be as deranged as the gta 6 fanbase THE MOON CYCLES , WHAT DO THEY MEAN???
  5. yeah im winning every nomination (real (100% factual (fact checked by true lanaboards patriots) ) )
  6. thats it, im gonna have to get involved
  7. only one of my favorite artists fits this criteria and its starting to become a pet peeve for me
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