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Everything posted by Semafori

  1. new METRO record fire
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahUZL4-MrG8&pp=ygUQdW5mb3JnaXZpbmcgZ2lybA%3D%3D
  3. Semafori

    This or That

    ladybugs permanently cool pillow or never waking up at night again
  4. Car Seat Headrest is one of the worse bands in noise/alt/indie rock scene
  5. cant digest the cellulose
  6. better be norman fucking rockwell 24 minute version
  7. my sister in allah you are using one as we speak
  8. wagner is officially retreating their advances after a “tactical reevaluation” of their interests and capabilities ”we came within 200km (125 miles) of moscow without shedding a drop of blood, now that there is a possibility of bloodshed we will turn around our convoys and hold down our bases.” - prigozhin
  9. well we don’t really know what the course of action will be , what is certain is that Ukraine has received enough time to regain their composure and this is a great morale booster. also prigozhin is not any better of a person than putin so there isn’t a true “good ending” in the eyes of the western world and their interests.
  10. quite literally one in the making. as of right now a city of 1 million people has been taken by Wagner , and it looks like russia is calling a retreat to fortify the boundaries of Moscow.
  11. they probably heard the hull bending for a short moment before being instantly murdered in an implosion sadge, at least it was painless
  12. sounds fun S ummertime Sadness E very man gets his wish M illion dollar man A merican F uck it i love you O ld money R ide I nterlude- the trio
  13. i love being an inactive member of this community, its so relaxing to not see shit like this all the time
  14. a makeshift capo is not hard to make actually. get like a pen or pencil and elastic bands or hairties and then you make one by putting the pen on the fretboard and tightening it on both ends with the elastic bands. you obviously wont get that clean tone you want from a capo ,but itll make do until you get one
  15. also i suggest using songsterr, they dont have everything , but sometimes theyre the only ones with the correct tabs
  16. american, also shares a chord progression with la vie en rose
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