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Posts posted by stillrun

  1. 1 hour ago, EmptyPromises said:


    I understand why, i mean... after this year lol.


    But I've been listening to alt acts and I've seen that Capitol was named dropped by some as exploitative, even back in the 70s.

    Its not a shock to believe her on that one thing. It makes sense that they've lasted so long in the game as a company by scummy practices.


    Also what did Halsey "steal" from Sky?

    Is it all just unfounded like the shartly bullet thing or did Ashley's work actually steal ideas?

    Halsey didn’t steal anything. that’s a made up rumor by deranged stans. what exactly does Sky have or did have that’s so worthy of stealing? i’ve seen people claim that it’s about her Ghost music video stealing “ideas” or something from Sky but…..it’s not like Sky is or was an extremely original artist herself. :true:

  2. 2 minutes ago, sexyslutboy said:

    girl.. no :twirls:


    do you own a piece of jewellery that you wear everyday?

    yes i wear an earring and bracelet every day. does a watch count? cause i wear that too lol.


    do you own a gaming system?


  3. 3 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    well, according to google, "degrading" can be defined as "causing a loss of self-respect"; humiliating", or, "treat or regard someone with contempt or disrespect" 


    i don't think anybody here is trying to make you feel bad about yourself as a person, or trying to disrespect you, i actually feel like my little "dictionary" comment was not necessary, so i apologize for that, but a lot of people here are getting tired of seeing very negative comments about somebody who they at least have interest in if they're viewing this thread and commenting on it, some people may have different ways of going about that and discussing it, and maybe it could be seen as petty or "rude", but i would agree that it's not something we should be doing, we can acknowledge sky's faults without trying to bring her down as a human-being, or bring up things from her past, such as her addictions, and use them against her, i still feel like people are doing that, at some point, people are going to get fed-up with certain behaviors and will call it out how they see fit and it usually ends up getting heated

    you’re the only sane and adult user in here and i appreciate this. i can admit my wrongs but i don’t think i’ve said anything to warrant that other shit.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    calling out somebody's behavior which comes across as hateful or unneccessary isn't degrading, maybe you should open up a dictionary and look at what the word "degrade" means?


    and honestly the only person who is being degraded in this thread is sky herself

    yeah i’m not gonna go back and forth with y’all if you don’t know the definition for degrading. enjoy!

  5. 4 minutes ago, pin up galore said:

    idk if miss thang is just self-projecting with the degrading strangers online thing or if were about to see some shit (literally) in this thread idk something feels off :biblio:

    are you dumb? they called me out of my name several times. do you know what the word degrading means. let’s open up a fucking book sweaty.

  6. 1 minute ago, pin up galore said:

    log off x unless u can come up with a better comeback to entertain the girlies :true:

    i’m not here to entertain people :hooker: i’m here to ruffle some feathers, clearly. on a serious note i actually just enjoy discussing music but it’s sad how people think getting personal and attempting to degrade strangers online is the ultimate serve. kiiiii. you’re nothing and if it ended me why am i still here? :flutter:





    2 minutes ago, Surf Noir said:


    do you not do this every single day? don't you have something better to do than to constantly bash her? if you're so upset with her, maybe you should focus on somebody else, or just enjoy the music that's already out there and just leave it at that

    because i CHOOSE to. sorry for ruffling your feathers and no i don’t post in here everyday.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Wait For Life said:

    The silence is deafening @letterblue

    sorry i don’t spend my entire time online typing up essays about people i don’t fucking know. that sissy is weird as hell. all the name calling :lmao: i had the bitch irked as fuck. 


    as for me. i’ve been a fan of Sky much longer than most in this thread. i’ve been around since One. so yes i can be here and post here about how fucking disappointing she is.


    i stanned her hard as fuck and supported her endlessly. 

  8. 2 hours ago, Motorcycle Love Divine said:

    i now know how sky can afford not working at all, she lives rent free on your mind damn! you come here every single day to complain about the fact that we're still here, well, why are YOU still here miss thing? hell yeah we gonna rehash the same shit as long as WE want to, or at least as long as ellie let us :hoe:  stop trying to be eclipse, sis. you're not that girl, trust me. it's not giving eclipse, it's not even giving new moon, you're barely giving twilight! as i said it before, if it bothers you that much then just close the tab. now do everyone a favor and click that big red X button at the top of your screen and go get a fucking job, bc no working member of the society would spend that much of their free time complaining about what other people do with their free time. worry about your goddamn rent bc sky is already living for free in that tiny little head of yours. obsessive ass bitch

    you don’t even know me but thanks for the love letter you fucking weirdo. @Elle please handle this thing.

  9. 16 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

    She overdoes it a bit with the remixes. Anti-Hero was a good song, but not that outstanding. :eyeroll3:


    literally.....like not all these remixes for this song..... it's so desperate and lowkey embarrassing as a fan. :deadbanana:

  10. 43 minutes ago, Wait For Life said:


    not you posting updates about the likes, fan behavior. :oic2:

    ot: i don’t see the issue with people wanting the thread to be locked because it’s tiresome to see y’all to rehash the same shit every few weeks. “swamperella where are you!?” “we want leaks” like girl….. :lmao:

  11. 12 minutes ago, Motorcycle Love Divine said:

    not the "close the thread" discourse once again… it's the internet just close your tab if it bothers you that much damn 


  12. 5 hours ago, 111 said:

    the essays are great but posting them on lanaboards won't actually do anything, y'all should be spamming her instead. (my essays are more suitable for lanaboards audiences i fear...) this thread has finally caught up to reality but the clowns out there are still on the #freeskyferreira train


    it's really camp at this point i can't even get mad any more how narcissistic she behaves, there's hasn't been a single instance of her owning up and taking responsibility for anything this year. no apologies or even just a simple "my bad" for cancelled music videos, delayed singles, fucked up performances, empty promises... y'all should be in her DMs and comments calling her out! #jailskyferreira


    agreed, i'm glad people are FINALLY seeing the damn light that was right the fuck in front of them but really y'all should be ON HER ASS. there's literally no reason for her to be liking and following #FreeSkyFerreira shit. she's a bit pathetic for that, she needs to get a damn LAWYER. i guarantee you they can help her more than y'all signing a very meaningless online petition, i promise you nothing will come of it.


    4 hours ago, EXODUS said:

    Many artists show up late, cancel shows or postpone releases, or even cancel stuff... All of them get to fucking IG or Twitter and apologize. But her? She blames everyone but her own self. Sure I love her music and she is very sweet in person, but her work ethic sucks. 

    She is over. 


    she never began, sadly!

  13. SZA

    15 hours ago, Paris Hilton said:

    All I want is Good Days and Hit DIfferent to be on the album. 

    yes Hit Different is sooooo good!!! 

  14. 1 minute ago, BrokenBoy said:

    It's hard to even fathom how she has done absolutely nothing with her career outside of chicken shit gigs like random film/TV cameos, random ass soundtracks, a photoshoot couple times a year for no real reason since she's never had anything to promote, and yet, she still cannot be bothered to show up on time and for a festival gig nor actually be present, like actually present in the moment for said gig and give a decent performance. She really does not give a F about her career or her fans, she just loves being this perpetual Hollywood label victim or whatever. I hope she gets what she is asking for and is shelved for LIFE! It would be a fun kiiii if Capitol did something for NTMT next anniversary without consulting her too. Like just slap on some of the rejects from that album and put it on streaming and say nothing to the wench and watch her make her silly passive aggressive Instagram story posts and just give the fans a lil something.

    now you know damn well we won't be living to see a twentieth anniversary. :lmao:

    but yes it's so random and sad how she chooses to do these "acting" gigs where she has a total of thirty seconds in screen time in each role. pathetic but a check is a check i suppose! werk kweenie! :noparty:

  15. 1 hour ago, the ocean said:

    lowkey thinking that any talk about m**ochism should be banned until she actually releases something new

    this thread should be closed until she or someone knows she's releasing something....i mean how many times can we rehash the same topics every few weeks. :yawn:

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