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Everything posted by bluebanist

  1. i bet those lazy grammy voters never even listened to ocean blvd
  2. https://x.com/ldrcrave/status/1752720399119405216?s=46
  3. I been trying to figure out how to post a photo but it was on the golden derby website (I think that that name)
  4. Lana will be sweeping the country rewards next year ❤️
  5. “haven't taken Lana Del Rey seriously as an artist since her infamous SNL performance and never will.” - a Grammy voter i seriously don’t think this is fair why do they have biased people even voting
  6. The TikTok girlies will not be happy when they find this out 😭
  7. On March 1st, the song was unfortunately leaked on Lanaboards. The song was hidden under a text to speech repeating “Rosemead Exclusive, Baby” - Genius 2023
  8. Bye i Wanna go to the long beach pop up shop so bad but i live all the way in canada
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