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  1. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard this entire month
  2. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by heroindealer in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    ok slayed
    i researched a bit more and a bystander literally d*ed .. (the shooter as well) and one other person is confirmed by some sources
    was funny when the details were vague but now it is just getting sad and petrifying really..  so decency is what we should have now
  3. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by Quincy in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    It’s scary for a number of reasons, but the update that I’m hearing is Trump may have not been directly hit by the gunfire. Reporting is that glass from the teleprompter hit his face and is what caused the injury. It sounds like the sniper, who was on a nearby roof, didn’t have good aim. At least one innocent bystander was killed and another is reported to be in serious condition.
    I do also agree that the conspiracy theories and such are really unhinged right now. I tried to peek on Twitter and watch some livestreams, but the chatter is very toxic. 
    No matter who you support or don’t support, no one should condone violence on anyone. As far as the Trump campaign goes, this is undoubtedly going to help him. I’ll be curious to see how the mood goes in the coming days, but I really hope we don’t see more violence.  
  4. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    As a moderator on this platform it is your responsibility to spread true and unbias information.. I get that most of you are staunch democrats and liberals but let’s please set aside our political opinions for this tragic incident
  5. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    I just didn’t like coming into this thread and immediately seeing the conspiracy theories and inappropriate conjecture. No hard feelings. I just think with threads like this the OP should be straightforward and free of speculation.  Thank you for updating it.
  6. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Donald Trump Injured After Assassination Attempt at Rally   
    They’re fucking ruthless. Oh my God. 
  7. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by Mer in LDR Songs That Would Benefit From A Complete Rework   
    LBFFR = let’s be fucking for real 💀
  8. EstelsDream liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in LDR Songs That Would Benefit From A Complete Rework   
    Released especially, but it could be unreleased.
    My list:
    1. Coachella WSITM (her worst song ever in my opinion). Make it a piano ballad maybe… whole song needs to be completely reimagined.
    2. West Coast. Keep the drums and guitars throughout the entire song and ditch the melodramatic chorus. The song should sound similar to a generic 1980’s rock album song from the beginning, but, it doesn’t. Ditch the flushed out vocals and reverb. 
    3. White Mustang. Ditch all the trap beats and keep it a classic ballad similar to Video Games.
    4. Smarty. I don’t think the released version is bad but it sounds more like a parody of a song rather than a complete song. I think replacing the instrumentals with something more serious sounding like we hear in Poetry In Motion/Everything I Do/Heroin would suit the song. Maybe change some of the lyrics as well. 
    5. Angels Forever, Forever Angels. I think the song falls flat on being ambient and serious somewhat. I think it would benefit from being turned into an electronic song similar to Brite Lites or Boom Like That because the chorus is seriously catchy. 
  9. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024   
    Biden called Kamala “Vice President Trump.”

    Talk about foreshadowing…
  10. Quincy liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024   
    Biden called Kamala “Vice President Trump.”

    Talk about foreshadowing…
  11. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024   
    What an incredibly selfish, stubborn old man. I 100% believe that Donald Trump and MAGA are a threat to our democracy but the way democrats are handling Joe Biden with baby gloves makes me wonder if they truly believe Donald Trump is a threat. If so, they need to spare Joe Biden's ego and feelings and get a new candidate in there immediately, jesus christ. 
  12. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024   
    Biden called Kamala “Vice President Trump.”

    Talk about foreshadowing…
  13. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by Wait For Life in Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024   
    This is simply not true. The US electorate is educated at some of the most prestigious colleges and universities in the country. Let’s be honest: Joe Biden and Donald Trump may look like clowns, but they aren’t stupid, and let’s not pretend they are. One is a career politician, and the other is a business connoisseur and media mogul. They aren’t uneducated.
  14. motel six liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Biden vs. Trump, First Debate of Election 2024 - June 27, 2024   
    Biden called Kamala “Vice President Trump.”

    Talk about foreshadowing…
  15. Veinsineon liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Sky Ferreira   
    She’s the Joe Biden of the pop music scene.
  16. Voignamir liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Sky Ferreira   
    She’s the Joe Biden of the pop music scene.
  17. Lavender Sunshine liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Tough (w/ Quavo)   
    The hip hop that she was inspired by living in NYC really has never left her.
  18. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Tough (w/ Quavo)   
    The hip hop that she was inspired by living in NYC really has never left her.
  19. Strangelove liked a post in a topic by shadesofblue in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    The begging asking for leaks syndrome
    symptoms include:
    Counting each day until something is leaked Tagging insiders Obsession with LQ 8 second tagged snippets treatment:
    HQ unedited full leaks 
  20. bogdan liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    I didn't know what to name the thread but recently online on YouTube and IG I have noticed what I call 'Unreleased Syndrome'. It is similar to the placebo effect or other behaviors that examine people reacting to false information. 
    My first example would be Architecture. When it leaked the reception from fans online was very positive and had people looking forward to the album. Now that it is released in its final format, fans say they like the unreleased version better. 
    Another example is the Venice Bitch demo she released. I have noticed the same attitude toward the demo version being better than final. A lot of times I read on YouTube and here "this should've replaced the released version." When Black Beauty was released I remember many fans expressing their disappointment with the released version. 
    So now at this point, I think a lot of the sentiment toward unreleased music being "better" is because of what I'm calling Unreleased Syndrome. Essentially because fans see that a song is unreleased, they become under the impression any variant of the song afterward is inferior. In reality the released version is better or would've been actually more liked among fans if she kept it unreleased in favor of the released version. 
    A contemporary example is this prank. Basically the prank had low quality shoes masked as high end, designer shoes. Because people assigned a certain quality to the items they can be heard calling the shoes "high quality" when in reality they were from Payless. Below is the video.
    The funny thing about this experiment is that the opposite placements would have had the same effect. If people walked into a designer store masked as a off-brand store, they would probably not notice the higher quality of the designer garments. Similarly fans can dismiss (mistake) the high quality released music for lower quality music as they can hear the unreleased versions. 
    I would be interested for there to be some kind of study where 100 Lana fans listened to two versions of a song (unreleased then released) and picked which one they liked better versus 100 Lana non-fans. I honestly believe the non-fan group would choose the released versions each time, or it would be 50/50, because they are unbiased.
    I think there are so many factors as to why this happens. I think the driving factor is the human instinct to go "What if...?" in many situations when it is unreasonable. I think there is something else called Impression Bias where people are less likely to identify a positive choice when surrounded by other negative choices. But maybe some users here can better explain some of the elements at play. This is not exclusive to Lana fans... I think it very common in a lot of media whether it be film, video games or other musicians. 
    Have you ever suffered from Unreleased Syndrome? What do you think on this phenomenon? 
    Wikipedia article detailing Soviet nostalgia linked below. I was reminded of Surf Noir's comment about recency bias. It's worth a read in the context of this conversation. 
  21. Embach liked a post in a topic by Strangelove in Fans suffering from "Unreleased Syndrome"   
    …THANK YOU…!
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