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honeyslow liked a post in a topic by taco truck in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
i agree with the first part. but i would consider songs like venice bitch, cinnamon girl, fiily, dealer, a&w, peppers, taco truck, and even grandfather and the greatest to be more "bombastic' songs. i don't think she's done with it, and i also think we literally never know where she is at creatively until she tells us or we get a single.
to me a "bombastic" (i wish jack never uttered that word) song is something that feels grand or cinematic, and i think lana could very well go back to making a full album of songs like that. i just don't see why anyone would think that's out of the question when we probably would not have expected to get a song like a&w or fishtail on ocean blvd.
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by DCooper in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
I will never understand why people still want Lana to be a popstar. She has always referred to herself as a poet and she's been developing such an expansive story her entire career, constantly building upon what came before in creative and thought-provoking ways. Her output is astonishing and every single album is very much a part of the journey she is on. She is one of the few artists who is continuously at the top of her game in my opinion and I am so grateful that she doesn't listen to the noise. Nobody does it like her.
Everyone is entitled to their opinions but stop pretending Lana is doing something wrong just because you don't personally resonate with her latest music. She's not making it for you, she's making it for herself and the legacy that she wants to build, and it's clearly working for a lot of people as she's never been more popular. Truly a living legend.
I personally think she has a ton of twists and turns left in her, her creativity hasn't wavered at all and she will always find a way to surprise in her own unique way. I can't wait to see what comes next!
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
also, just because a producer has a writing credit doesn't mean that they significantly contributed to the lyrics, they'll be credited for one word or the composition or structure of the music
cyberbunnyboops liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in Festivals & Tour 2023
So this is what I learned and worked for me personally when I was buying tickets for Amsterdam on Ticketmaster.
The queue itself opens whenever the sale starting time is, but there is a waiting room which opens 30 minutes before that. Everyone in the waiting room is automatically placed into the queue once it's time. It isn't important how early you join the waiting room, the queue places are randomised.
There's debate on whether refreshing the waiting room just before it ends is helpful or not, I actually did refresh it a few seconds before it ended and was able to buy tickets. (I also did the same thing when I was going for Taylor Swift tickets and also was able to buy them, so idk I'm pretty convinced of it but like I said, as far as I know there's no definitive information about this, it could also just be pure luck on my part.)
Once you're in the queue you definitely shouldn't refresh because if you do you will lose your spot and be placed at the back of the queue.
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by American Whore in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
not only this, but she's currently been writing her best lyrics in her career. Kintsugi, Fingertips, A&W, Ocean Blvd, and The Grants proves that
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by Dark Angel in LDR10 - Pre-Pre-Release Thread
i can't believe we're at a point where people are saying she would benefit from hiring a lyricist, she has written literally every song she has ever recorded, why should she dumb herself down? why should she give up creating art that is meaningful to her so that she can chart, which is something she doesn't even care about? her music has never been basic, mainstream corporate pop (she's really not a pop artist, i will forever stand by that) if you want upbeat, bombastic hits that were written by songwriters with the sole purpose of making money and going viral, go listen to ariana grande lmfao
mermaidmotelxo liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in Festivals & Tour 2023
Oh and also very important part I forgot to say!!
When I first got through the queue and onto the ticket selection page there weren't any tickets available BUT I just stayed on that page and kept refreshing (or like querying for tickets idk anymore how the interface was) and after a couple of minutes I suddenly got a ticket, so whatever you do don't give up immediately if you get through and no tickets are available.
I'd keep trying for a good while to be honest, because often people put tickets into their cart and then it gets reserved for them for like 10-20 minutes but they end up not buying it because payment doesn't go through or they don't like the seat selection etc. and the ticket randomly becomes available again, if you stay on the page and keep refreshing you have a chance of snagging it.
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in Festivals & Tour 2023
there were 500,000 people in the queue for the paris show but i woke up 20 minutes into the sale, went straight onto the venues site and got tickets instantly... so try that too
cyberbunnyboops liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in Festivals & Tour 2023
Oh and also very important part I forgot to say!!
When I first got through the queue and onto the ticket selection page there weren't any tickets available BUT I just stayed on that page and kept refreshing (or like querying for tickets idk anymore how the interface was) and after a couple of minutes I suddenly got a ticket, so whatever you do don't give up immediately if you get through and no tickets are available.
I'd keep trying for a good while to be honest, because often people put tickets into their cart and then it gets reserved for them for like 10-20 minutes but they end up not buying it because payment doesn't go through or they don't like the seat selection etc. and the ticket randomly becomes available again, if you stay on the page and keep refreshing you have a chance of snagging it.
Lina Del K liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in Festivals & Tour 2023
So this is what I learned and worked for me personally when I was buying tickets for Amsterdam on Ticketmaster.
The queue itself opens whenever the sale starting time is, but there is a waiting room which opens 30 minutes before that. Everyone in the waiting room is automatically placed into the queue once it's time. It isn't important how early you join the waiting room, the queue places are randomised.
There's debate on whether refreshing the waiting room just before it ends is helpful or not, I actually did refresh it a few seconds before it ended and was able to buy tickets. (I also did the same thing when I was going for Taylor Swift tickets and also was able to buy them, so idk I'm pretty convinced of it but like I said, as far as I know there's no definitive information about this, it could also just be pure luck on my part.)
Once you're in the queue you definitely shouldn't refresh because if you do you will lose your spot and be placed at the back of the queue.
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in Festivals & Tour 2023
honestly seconding the above refreshing point every time i have refreshed a few seconds before the sale time i have gotten a good queue position
could just be luck but works for me
fishtails liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in Festivals & Tour 2023
So this is what I learned and worked for me personally when I was buying tickets for Amsterdam on Ticketmaster.
The queue itself opens whenever the sale starting time is, but there is a waiting room which opens 30 minutes before that. Everyone in the waiting room is automatically placed into the queue once it's time. It isn't important how early you join the waiting room, the queue places are randomised.
There's debate on whether refreshing the waiting room just before it ends is helpful or not, I actually did refresh it a few seconds before it ended and was able to buy tickets. (I also did the same thing when I was going for Taylor Swift tickets and also was able to buy them, so idk I'm pretty convinced of it but like I said, as far as I know there's no definitive information about this, it could also just be pure luck on my part.)
Once you're in the queue you definitely shouldn't refresh because if you do you will lose your spot and be placed at the back of the queue.
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by Let the Light In in Festivals & Tour 2023
OMG, I already attended Lolla show but now I need to buy tickets to see Nikki Lane
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in Festivals & Tour 2023
Something tells me she would say no
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by rightofjupiter in Festivals & Tour 2023
Not me actually seeing Nikki lane!!
I am NL agnostic but she’s an icon of the lanaverse and I’m into her voice so
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by DNC in Festivals & Tour 2023
nikki lane will be opening these shows help
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by littleredpartydress in Festivals & Tour 2023
I honestly feel like she is doing these mini legs with only a few dates in them so if she randomly gets sick of the tour halfway through it and wants to stop *cough NFR tour cough* she can cancel it without backlash and having to worry about refunds/etc.
it makes sense too since it seems like she’s able to sell out venues with pretty short notice anyways, so I feel like dates will keep appearing like a month or so out until she’s like ya I’m done with this.
cyberbunnyboops liked a post in a topic by honeyslow in Festivals & Tour 2023
I don’t know how they do things in America but that sounds completely absurd, golden circle pit tickets in Amsterdam were like 100 euros
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in Festivals & Tour 2023
US fans complaining about shows always makes me laugh its so unserious try being a fan literally anywhere else in the world..
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by Mer in Festivals & Tour 2023
Why do they keep using these fuckass photos for the tour posters and not something from Interview Mag?
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by Thats why they call me Dita in Festivals & Tour 2023
100 euros sounds super reasonable too lol.. I doubt it’d be that cheap in UK either, what a confusing thing! Not that there’s any sign of a UK show coming anyway lol
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by knivesdasilvia in Festivals & Tour 2023
Waiting for the Europe dates!!!!
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Festivals & Tour 2023
the way she gives everything and everything to the US gurlies, us international delulus are out of her sight
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in Festivals & Tour 2023
one thing about europe we don’t charge 200+ for a standard ticket
honeyslow liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Festivals & Tour 2023
hopefully it's just the beginning of the next half...