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  1. dexter liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in American Politics Thread   
    seems to be a legal term : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_(law)
  2. dexter liked a post in a topic by jaesana in American Politics Thread   
    Dehumanization justifies cruelty 
  3. dexter liked a post in a topic by Beauty King in American Politics Thread   
    Part of it is depersonalization. They view immigrants as subhuman and unworthy of fundamental human dignity and respect.
  4. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Why are MAGA set on calling people “illegal aliens” it’s a weird thing to say, you could just use the term illegal immigrant 
  5. jaesana liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Why are MAGA set on calling people “illegal aliens” it’s a weird thing to say, you could just use the term illegal immigrant 
  6. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    this is unbelievably rude and an insane take.. i don’t think you know the severity of the situation she had to run away in the middle of the night to flee domestic violence and lana still buys him clothes .. they are enabling domestic violence as they allow a known abuser to work for them. 
  7. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    there friends. I don’t know how else to put it but you don’t give away your dogs and buy clothes for someone that just works for you. also he was allegedly with Jeremy on his tours. he’s a friend. 
    If Ben is deleting comments about this situation and ignoring complaints it proves her team are shielding him and protecting him. 
    let’s not dance around it, she’s not oblivious to everything that goes on she most likely knows about it. 
    We can’t just say it’s her teams fault, her team is literally a reflection of her, on her payroll, and therefore if there is no action taken about this she is also to blame 
  8. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    not saying it’s Lana’s doing, but she most likely knows about the accusations, I will be disappointed if he isn’t immediately fired and she apologises on behalf of her team for ignoring complaints. 
  9. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    she posted proof on Twitter, which company ignores allegations of domestic violence of an employee? it was so bad she even had to run away in the middle of the night, which btw happened in 2023 so after lana bought him clothes and gave him tex and mex.  the management team clearly ignored her on purpose to protect his job, and now Ben is scrambling deleting instagram comments about it. 
  10. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    Your ignoring the fact that many many complaints were made to members of Lana’s team which were all ignored. It’s not a good look. This man physically assaulted his girlfriend to the point she had to escape in the night. And also you don’t just give your dogs away to a random employee, they’re close. 
  11. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    it was more than 8 months ago so pre Jeremy 
    I think she said the dogs weren’t trained and too much to handle 
  12. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    They didn't even look into it, just shoved it under the rug. There should have been a report filed and a private investigation. Also it is safe to say lana is friends with him, he gave him her dogs, he was allegedly on Jeremy’s boat and it’s his job to follow her round.. hopefully Lana’s team issue a response
  13. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    the sad truth is that they won’t have even gave it a thought until it went public. 
  14. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I find it weird that the transpobic/antivax/MAGA are still up on facebook. But, his TikTok likes were wiped hours after they were found.. he really don’t GAF about any of that stuff he probably only wanted to get rid of the half clothed women in his TikTok likes 💀
  15. fishtails liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I’m surprised you don’t hate Lana for hexing Trump, lol
  16. dexter liked a post in a topic by That Venice Bitch in American Politics Thread   
    Trump isn’t even Catholic and hasn’t spoken highly of Catholics in the past. I found out that my hyper-Catholic family held an “Inauguration Party” yesterday. It is not the first Trump-themed celebration to be held on that side of the family 
    It’s a really dark zeal that I’ve not seen before and watching it delude people very close to me is distressing 
    They think the fucking POPE is the anti-christ. That he’s like a planted Communist shill. Dark stuff
  17. Embach liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
  18. Karolll liked a post in a topic by dexter in Random Lana Discussion Thread   
    I’m surprised you don’t hate Lana for hexing Trump, lol
  19. jaesana liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
  20. That Venice Bitch liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
  21. Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
  22. Nectar Of The Puss liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
  23. Escapism liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
  24. Semafori liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
  25. shadesofblue liked a post in a topic by dexter in American Politics Thread   
    Catholic MAGA choosing Donald Trump over the Pope, which is just crazy to me since that’s going against the main teaching of Catholic Theology  I swear these MAGA religious lunatics are basically worshipping the anti christ and don’t realise 
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