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motel six

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  1. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by motel six in Unpopular Music Opinions   
    i care a lot about music visuals -
    i wish apps like spotify would have a feature working with the artist to let you choose the album art work from a few artist approved options, like the alt covers etc, i love the cotcc alt cover SO MUCH MORE, apple music let you change art i believe but i wish spotify would and not even to change to whatever you like, just a few options that the artists approve of/ official alt covers
    like to have all the ocean blvd cover variants as choices on spotify would be amazing 
  2. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Song vs. Song   
    get free vs scarface
  3. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Song vs. Song   
    jump vs put the radio on
  4. motel six liked a post in a topic by Embach in • Edits By Embach •   
    • MOOD •

  5. motel six liked a post in a topic by Embach in • Edits By Embach •   
    ~She looks like an alien here with the filters but I'll let it be. Maybe it's perhaps more cooler.

    ~ Unfiltered version ~

  6. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Song vs. Song   
    music to watch boys to vs so legit
  7. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Song vs. Song   
    terrence loves you vs this is what makes us girls
  8. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Song vs. Song   
    brooklyn baby vs paris texas
  9. HeadlessAlligators liked a post in a topic by motel six in Rate The Signature Above You   
    7.5, HDB is one of my favourite songs and i love the font. nice and simple 
  10. Karolll liked a post in a topic by motel six in Rate The Signature Above You   
    7.5, HDB is one of my favourite songs and i love the font. nice and simple 
  11. motel six liked a post in a topic by Black to Blue in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I am so indifferent to this album  if it ends up being released then great, if it doesn’t then that’s fine too. I’d rather Lana take her time, even if it’s not until 2026
  12. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Rate The Signature Above You   
    7.5, HDB is one of my favourite songs and i love the font. nice and simple 
  13. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in What would you do if...   
    honestly i’d be so scared that i’d just agree to never listen again  i’d be so sad though
    what would you do if you had to choose between only wearing colourful or neutral clothing for the rest of your life?
  14. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Song vs. Song   
    cruel world vs lucky ones demo
  15. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Word Association   
  16. Embach liked a post in a topic by motel six in Top It!   
    listening to west coast then shades of cool
    while having some champagne
    when it’s pouring rain
    in a city full of lights at night
    while going out with friends
    and the love of your life
    You have the night of your life 
    in new clothes that you love
  17. motel six liked a post in a topic by Elle in Saint Charles, IA @ Hinterland - August 3rd, 2025   
    On Sunday, August 3rd, Lana Del Rey will be headlining Hinterland, a music festival in Saint Charles, Iowa.

    Comment below if you plan on attending to be added!
  18. motel six liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I'm predicting silence until at least March. There's just zero momentum on her front and dead silence from the usual trusted insiders. Normally, there's a crumb or inkling that things are happening behind the scenes. But it's been dead silent. She's thrown so much at the wall the last year: Henry snippet; announcement of new album 'Lasso' and new genre out in September; teasing Fenway Park intro song; teasing 2 singles coming before the end of year; announcing a totally new album with a homemade cover and Wednesday release date. I think this next album is very much a work in progress. 
  19. motel six liked a post in a topic by Lindsay Lohan in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    If this happens I would find them and kill myself in front of them forever ruining their bond 
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