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Everything posted by X8vinylScratchX

  1. On this 5 year Lanaversary of NFR! the gods above have decided to grace us with a new Nails album. A truly biblical occasion that shall not be taken lightly, as this band has been in indefinite hibernation for years now. A great and influential discography, this is family reunion or Saturday morning bowling music, very easy listening LOL. And look at those variants That’ll get the Swiftie juices flowing in anyone, with all those seggsy variants . This whole album seems to follow suite sonically with their last one, with many of the songs reminding me of the song “God’s Cold Hands” on that record. Tracks 2-3 and 8-9 are my favorites right now, but the singles of the album are great too and stand out the most. And the album cover is done by the almighty Jeff Whitehead of Leviathan!!! What a slay! Another timeless classic
  2. Rat - 84 Hit me Hard and Flop - 16
  3. Rat - 74 Hit Me Hard and Flop - 26
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