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Everything posted by X8vinylScratchX

  1. I've heard many Oi and street punk bands before, although not this one. That genre was always complicated because so many of the bands were so politically motived. Not all of them, but many of the bands seemed to veer either far left or far right, which made listening to and getting into the genre kind of awkward. The right wing faction of oi had the name "rac" which stood for rock against communism . Some of the bands like Skrewdriver were actually kind of catchy but it always came off as very comical due to the ideology behind it. Coincidentally, the only polish punk band I know of is a rac band called Obłęd. They played in a similar style to the band you linked above. I never understood the lyrics of that band but i can only imagine they weren't very nice . I always thought it was funny how right wing punk tended to be in the Oi style and left wing punk tended to be in either the Ska or hardcore style. One of my favorite bands ever is a left wing band called Leftover Crack. Highly influential in my formative years. I highly recommend any of their songs or albums
  2. Yeah i saw the Gojira thing and was surprised. I’ve never listened to them before, but i thought it was cool to see a metal band getting exposure in something like the Olympics. Especially with the cinematic performance with the beheaded Marie Antoinette looking thing. The impending controversy with people saying it looked “satanic” was hilarious 🤣. I think metal related things are a lot more popular in Europe. When i was in Finland earlier this year i would see multiple metal shirts in public every time i went out, more than i’ve ever seen in America. So Gojira probably makes more sense for the olympics being in France as it’s more acceptable in their culture, and scares the brains of many Americans 😆
  3. yeah hold up let me just put the most beautiful heartwrenching song ever in the best Grunge album ever Also this is GAS Hot take, but in many ways i feel Nirvana is UNDERRATED. I tend to dislike many popular bands and artists, most of which being woefully overrated. But Nirvana always lived up to the hype and then some for me.
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