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Everything posted by X8vinylScratchX

  1. HOW COULD I FORGET the best and perhaps my favorite hardcore band of all time is Bad Brains. So upbeat and energetic. While most hardcore like Negative Approach and Minor Threat are RAAAHHH 🤬 angry yelling in your face Bad Brains always seemed uplifting and positive, while still being loud and aggressive. Some jamaican Ska here and there as well
  2. Black Flag is great. My fav hardcore bands of all time are MDC and F-Minus MDC had a song on the GTA 5 soundtrack, which is what they’re most known for. But their whole discography is great, and they’re still active today. Their first album is their best and a classic in my opinion Also F-Minus is a hardcore band thats most known for having members of another popular band Leftover Crack. They have three albums and a split all of which are very good.
  3. Lately i’ve been listening to the new Alcest album that came out on the 21st. This album is very good, having very lush yet powerful instrumentation, it creates a very moving soundscape. It sonically and aesthetically really reminds me of their 2016 album “Kodama”, which is one of my favorite albums ever. This album follows suite with the Blackgaze style, combining the harshness of the black metal style with the prettiness of the shoe-gaze style.
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