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  1. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Sunbather Moonchaser in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    when was the last time we actually know she's been at a studio? was it literally in july 23 when she visited one of the yeehaw states and recorded 3 or 4 songs
  2. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by honeymoon is alive in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    i need AT LEAST a new selfie from her 
  3. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    A friend of mine heard Say Yes To Heaven playing in a Burger King, maybe it's a sign
  4. Honeymoonwitch liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    The wrong thread will be closedđź’ś
  5. Lanas Candy Necklace liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    The wrong thread will be closedđź’ś
  6. Get Drunk liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
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  7. Pico Ocean Boulevard liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
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  8. Let the Light In liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
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  9. menslayer liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
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  10. Karolll liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
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  11. Embach liked a post in a topic by sparklejumpropeweed in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
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  12. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I found this photo and decided to make a concept for this album, it's from the A&W shoot but it's giving me southern gothic vibes and a bridal theme could be fitting for the album cover

    1.There Were Stories From A Church Up North
    2.The Right Person Will Stay
    3.With A Heart Of Gold
    4.Henry, Come On
    5.Loved You Then And Now
    6. Has Anyone Else Died For You?
    7.In Gods Time
    8.Dance Nobody's Watching
    9.True Love Isn't A Game
    10.Roses Bloom For You
    11.Bridalveil Fall
    12.Stay With Me Now
    13.At Last (Etta James Cover)
    And a few notes:
    -There Were Stories From A Church Up North:
    Lana tells stories about failed relationships & marriages, which she can relate to as well, the storytelling is located at a church somewhere up north. I think something like that could be a great opener and ending the album with Lana finding love would make a beautiful journey, sonically I imagine it sounding like a fairytale or sth mystical, think about sth like "Dragonslayer" for example
    -With A Heart Of Gold: references Neil Youngs "Heart Of Gold" similar to how Lana referenced "Don't Forget Me" by Harry Nilsson in DYKTTATUOB title track
    - In Gods Time: The song she played at Fenway as an intro (at least in my mind)
    -The "Bridalveil Falls" are located in the Yosemite National Park,  it could mention /reference "Yosemite" the song  in a lyric or so as well
    -"Stay With Me Now" was a caption Lana used last year, maybe a pleading that her partner stays with her, even when hardships arise , now that she found true love
    - At Last:  Etta James Cover
  13. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    jesus saves
    And I just break shit
    A thousand ways
    to get fame
    Back to the top 
    back to the basics
    restart the tape
    lake placid baby
    past, present, future I see in him
    past, present, future I see in him

  14. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    She should say screw the Grammys and release a song when they start airing  a fiery pop ballad she wrote after they used her for publicity last year 
  15. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Embach in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I know I'm happy her doing any genre, even country, folk and acapella but damn, after listening to that The Weeknd collab, I need a cinematic synth-pop electronica dark wave space rock production with Lana's vocals
  16. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by BethDufreneOnTheBayouByYou in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Agreee we need pop star Lana back. I adore NFR - Tunnel but I’m ready to push pause on the stripped back, acoustic production. 
  17. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by barttttender in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Gurl, you are in the wrong era for that. Person will be her most stripped-back album yet. Henry is the first single, for Pete's sake.
    On the plus side, it might still be a phenomenal record.
  18. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Bonita in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Two months until Stagecoach do something @Lana Del Rey
  19. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by never2heaven in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    i had given up on this hope but then she sang with the weeknd again.. my delusion is on
  20. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Still to this day, I think she worked too soon with Mike Dean. Not that WFWF isn’t incredible, it’s just that he could have brought so much more to a song If he hadn’t been « stuck » in the BB minimalism.  Imagine half of an album produced by him similar to the Abyss 
  21. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Bubble Dreams and Cola in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Guys I'm starting to think that there is going to be a bonus track with Charli XCX. Some sort of electro-clash x southern gothic, country music. The title of the Deluxe version of the album will be "The right BRAT will stay". 
  22. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by The Missing Shade of Blue in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    When this entire project is revealed to be Southern Gothic and she writes more songs alluding to her past in Alabama and she finally releases I Talk To Jesus 
  23. sparklejumpropeweed liked a post in a topic by Vertimus in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    I would also welcome the return of Pop Lana, Trip Hop Lana, two of the best Lanas. 
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