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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Girl, it’s been proven fake, whatcha talkin about?
  2. I don’t think that’s the case. If you’re talking about the option that lets you put songs in your instastory, then they’re all available. That option is connected to Spotify and if a song is there, then you can use it (even though there are some songs that aren’t available on it- but it’s because of other stuff)
  3. Nah, it sounds nothing like her in the snippet lmao And also, it has been debunked tho Credits to @May
  4. Lmao except it’s not. The low notes don’t sound ANYTHING like Lana’s and the high notes only sound a little bit. It’s fake
  5. There’s actually not that much time- only albums released by (the last day of) August are eligible. So, there’s only summer left.
  6. Maybe I prefer Fanta over Coke after all......
  7. Just a quick update on this lmao Venus Fly Trap (tbh, this one and NA are neck and neck on excitement level bc of what Eclipse said about NA) New America I Love You But I Love Me More (the title is intriguing) Pandora's Box (really wanted this one to be upbeat so...umm yeah) Flowers High Emotional People Goodbye ALSO, apparently Eclipse (not 100% sure if it was him but where I saw this they gave him credits) posted a snippet of VFT's instrumental. Did y'all listen? If this was already discussed, then ignore this part lmao
  8. Really? Never saw anything transphobic from them but... yikes! I mean, I somewhat get it, we don't have ANY news, fanpages don't know what to post but like, maybe post some throwback pics or whatever. Just don't pass fake info as real. Or at least, if they want to post those kinds of info, then post like "According to [insider's name]" and then say what they said. Then, if said insider was reliable, people would believe, and if it were not, it would be just some fake wannabe rumor. Anyway
  9. I love that most of their followers believe in their shit and actually fully defend them on stuff like this. However, some enlightened ones actually agreed w me lmao They're most definitely on here, or at least they come here to check stuff to spread as "rumors", as they like to call them (preceded by lots of *siren emojis*). The way they said diorleaks was a reliable insider SENT me, so I had to step in. What bothers me more is that, Lana herself doesn't come through with her words a lot, but then these fanpages pass on fake info as real and then the day comes, nothing happens and people be like oNCe AgAIn laNA LIEd when stuff didn't even come from her mouth.
  10. And I love making people snap (when they're wrong) Pitty that I couldn't educate them on "mentally ill" before they blocked me tho
  11. Not me getting a block by Ms. LDRAddic for speaking facts sksksks They were believing diorleaks, I called them out saying DL wasn't reliable and they were PISSED [they deleted their reply calling me fake, basically called me mental ill and told me to go fuck myself]
  12. I love how chaotic this thread always is In terms of visuals, Marina is serving more than Lana (even though Chemtrails MV was miles better than MW and PTP combined). However, track-wise, Lana’s just put out better stuff. Y’all really want to compare God Book, Wildflower Wildnoises and Blue Banisters to the three tracks Marina released so far? Lana’s tracks, even if they aren’t your cup of tea, they’re so intimate and personal whereas Marina’s are songs that touch on important subjects but on a really surface level. The only track that I’d say that it’s as good as these three Lana put out is ADIAML. Tbh I really liked the first two songs (despite MW’s terrible mix) but once she released the title track, it kinda made me put the other two in perspective and like them a little less than I previously did (esp PTP, which I really really liked but after listening to ADIAML felt there was something missing on it). But whatever, potato potato. People are different and there will always be someone who disagrees w/ you, and it does not mean they’re not right or that you’re wrong, EXCEPT for people who say that Text Book isn’t the best (out of the three) Lana released
  13. Yosemite

    Text Book

    The second verse after the chorus hits so hard, damn.......
  14. Yosemite

    Text Book

    She's a server... she serves a lot
  15. Yosemite

    Text Book

    Text Book looking at those two other girls:
  16. Yosemite

    Text Book

    Can you say... legendaric?
  17. If TB isn’t your favorite out of them three, I pray for you EDIT: also, I can’t at people saying TB chorus reminds them of Demi’s song. If you hadn’t pointed it out, I’d never say it- and after that, I had to to try a little hard to hear it lmao Yes it’s somewhat a similar melody but it’s not THAT alike to be like “OMG the chorus sounds just like GYHAB”. And I even liked that song back then, so yeah.
  18. It just hit me The diamonds, the rust and the rain Please, make Diamonds and Rust cover happen on the album (!!!!)
  19. Love that the first thing she posted was promo for Bleacher’s upcoming album sksksk
  20. Man, Text Book deserved a MV soo bad. The way it's never gonna get one
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