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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Lmao the way she collabed w/ these artists before she even collabed w/ Lana (which will probably never happen)
  2. Now, that’s a song I’d like to see released
  3. The way I got it, I guess they made some songs for the album, but I don’t think he’s the only producer on it. Blue Banisters (song) doesn’t seem like something he’d do tbh
  4. I thought the glow in the dark vinyl thing would be for the album itself lmao I’m guessing there won’t be a vinyl release for the album atm, since the expected release date for the PTP vinyl is like October. I cum on your face like pow pow You know your place wow wow
  5. You should thank God for that
  6. The way all this is going to the random Lana discussion thread sksk But yeah, it wasn’t anything like too bad- to sum up real quick, basically she gave me that “I’m better than you” pretentious look and was lowkey somewhat rude later. Again, nothing too bad but I just didn’t like her vibe after that
  7. She has called me a faggot, spat on my face and laughed. Jk. But yeah, some people don’t have the nicest experiences when they met her. I am one of those lmao however, some people actually liked meeting her
  8. Noooo Alex > every other person in the world > a street rat > Ashley
  9. I’m having PTSD Even the Empress Of Man’s World remix was better than this
  10. Lmao not that cover
  11. Thank God it was Alex and not Ashley
  12. It’s definitely this tbh. Even Eclipse stated that- when she announces dates it’s not bc she’s just blatantly lying, she really does want stuff out on those dates but then setbacks happen and plans change. Even though Chemtrails was set to be released in September, I bet the label wanted to put out these 300 vinyl variants (they’ve been doing this w/ a lot of other artists), and then the mastering/her deciding the tracklist took too long, vinyl production wouldn’t be able to pull off the date she wanted and that’s why Chemtrails was only released 6 months after said date. If the pandemic hadn’t happen, even though I still don’t think she’d pull off the September date, I bet Chemtrails would be out in 2020 still, probably like mid to late October. With BB, I doubt they want a shitload of variants tbh. And I can see the album coming out like early to mid September (or even late August).
  13. When does that shit drop
  14. And it’s always the same person, huh
  15. It’s very much known that the album will be hyperpop/pc music. She even hinted that on Tulsa Jesus Freak w/ the autotune. Rock Candy Sweet is probably a feature w/ Charli XCX. We won
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