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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Oh... then yeah, now you know. LFL and NFR also had Target editions that came w/ posters and they were all behind the booklet (when unfolded).
  2. Like, I still don’t own a record player but I will eventually and I will want to play them lmao But yeah, it’s exactly like you said- yesterday I read so many conflicting things, people saying they always stored the records on their OG sleeves and that they’re perfect, others talk abt that idek but ig I’ma do what I said
  3. Lmao what were you expecting? The poster that comes w/ the CDs has always been the booklet unfolded
  4. So, after reading a little bit about that - and bear in my mind that I'm 80% almost falling asleep - I guess you can buy those MoFi sleeves, put the pic disc in one of those and then put it back on the PVC sleeve that comes w/ the record. You don't want it to be in touch w/ the OG sleeve, but since it would be inside that inner sleeve, it wouldn't touch it. Right?
  5. It depends on the store/conversion to your currency. Try to see which one is cheaper for you (they're both the same)
  6. Send me the links then, but it could be that one might be from the UK store and another from her US store?
  7. So, quick update: the NK Pic Discs are starting to get shipped- just received the email notification for my order. Check yours EDIT: I'm talking about the ones from Universal
  8. So, apparently this person received their NK Pic Disc w/ the signed litho (?) lmao https://www.instagram.com/p/CMz19v7rIkB/?igshid=fdr6x0lsxuwc
  9. Then it's only universal that is waiting for stock to come, hence why those bundles w/ the litho are taking longer than expected.
  10. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but the NK pic disc hasn't been shipped to ANYONE. It literally said, on the website, Buy now: more stock coming soon, which means that; stock is coming soon, so it's gonna take a little bit more since they're not available to ship right away.
  11. Let's hope that'd be the case, I'm still missing the UO and the Amazon one (that I will eventually try to buy later this year); UO will have it in stock for a lot of time lmao but the one I'm afraid might sell out, before I have the change to buy it, is the beige from Amazon
  12. I don't know if this has been said already but my order containing the NK Pic Disc just changed to processed, yesterday it was still pending. So I guess this is shipping soon, perhaps by friday, ig
  13. Damn, that'd be dope. Just imagine
  14. She looks.... amazing on the cover. I don’t know what makes me love the picture but it’s really really good If I had ANY money left, I’d buy that shit so quick
  15. Her vocals are so.... idk. The whole song sounds weird af- and not the good kind of weird
  16. Well.... at least you put STLALT where it should be. I don’t know what I hate the most about that song- the production or the vocals
  17. Well, taste. Get Free top 1 as it should. But you really had to blew it w/ that 23rd....
  18. Found this on twitter- someone's attempt to have the stencil that was used on the tickets. If this had more quality/was more accurate, it would be awesome to use on other stuff
  19. I mean, this ain't 100% accurate since it's just me kind of guessing, but I think most pic discs have the same picture on both sides (?) I can name 10 that do, off the top of my head, and like 1 or 2 that don't
  20. Yeah, like, they've got the same picture on both sides: standard cover pic disc has the standard cover on both sides, spotify pic disc has the horse picture on both sides and the Neil Krug pic disc has the Neil Krug picture on both sides
  21. They all have the same picture on both sides tho, or do you wanna see something else?
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