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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. Thanks, it’s just that I think I might have to cancel my US order because my math may have been wrong and I created a virtual credit card for 42€ but it appears that the total is 42,01€ lmao (Still don’t even know what to do w/ my UK order tho lmao)
  2. So I guess it's still up for pre-order, right?
  3. Jw, has anyone been able to buy the picture disc from her US store, like recently?
  4. Yes and no, because some items are UK exclusive. The picture disc became UK exclusive, but for a brief time, non-UK fans were able to buy it. I just wanna know which order I should cancel lmao either the one from her UK/European store or the one from her US store
  5. Don’t think they are, I’ve talked w/ two different people. Kira and another person that I don’t remember the name. They’re just clueless, ig But I’ve already replied, again, and asked if they’re going to honor my order and if the payment went through and all is good and if they will eventually ship it w/o any problems. I don’t know how much simpler I can put it tho
  6. I just wanna know if they will honor the order or not (since I’m not from the UK but I managed to order it in that brief time where they allowed non-UK fans to buy it). However, they don’t even get the question and I’ve dumbed it down two times already.
  7. Their reply I really can’t w them, I really can’t. They’re on some good stuff, like it’s not even crack at this point lmao
  8. The pre-chorus and chorus sound amazing, I just don’t quite like what they did w/ the verses. But I could see it growing on me.
  9. If you’re saying Get Free is meh/bad or sth in that vein.... smack your face before I do
  10. So that guy from Interscope just confirmed she’s singing white hot forever on TJF’s chorus. Case closed, y’all can move on from WHF
  11. I mean, it wouldn’t have to be the real thing w/ the song on it. It could just be an “empty” vinyl but 100% exact like the final product. But yeah
  12. That list had Picture Disc #2 dropping on the 15th, not today. I just said it might drop today since the cassettes dropped two days after the date that was on that list
  13. Someone look into the source code to see info about the last picture disc, I bet there’s something there already lmao
  14. Ffs, she’s always been hot but damn
  15. I don't think there's a "piss yellow", they just had the wrong mock-up (?) Either way, I'm tryna buy them all tho so
  16. Yeah, it says (Exklusiv bei Amazon.de) It's the beige one, you're reaching ma'am
  17. Tbh, the main flaws behind this photoshoot are the heavy flash and the editing. One is Charlie’s fault but the other isn’t. They are okay to me tho, my fav has been the one w the hoodie and the one she’s standing @ the gate/doors. However, that one could use a little bit of saturation but that, again, was bc of the heavy flash he used
  18. Digital Stores CS UK is on CRACKKKK They replied to me (about that whole picture disc drama) like Friday and asked me about my order’s no. and I gave it. Then today I see this email on my inbox: I just replied and legit said “That was not what I asked, at all” lmao and then went to simplify the question even more so let’s see if I get a real answer or one coming from someone who’s on crack
  19. This Wednesday Picture said 15th, but it also said some date for cassettes and they dropped 2 days after said date, so 2 days after the 15th is the 17th (this Wednesday)
  20. Girl, I remember back then arguing about this photo w/ someone who said that Lana looked so much like Priscilla, I agreed, and they sent me this pic and I was like “Dude, that ain’t Priscilla. I mean, it’s Lana’s face on Priscilla’s body” and they were like “Lmao no it’s not, it’s Priscilla. They just look-alike”
  21. This fake tracklist She Was Indigo lmao
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