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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. So... It’s bad lmao hate the mix and the instrumental Pabllo’s vocals sounded good tho but yeah, mess
  2. That melody sounds so beautiful, I-
  3. Can she drop Follow the White Rabbit already, as a promo track?
  4. I don’t even know, this Picture Disc release is so confusing and so randomly done
  5. Might be it, they said it would be limited to 4 per customer haha Nah, I'm from Portugal. I pre-ordered 1 this afternoon (as you might've seen here) and I tried putting 2 in my basket rn and I still managed to go until payment. Not sure why you getting the warning (or why I'm not getting it)
  6. Again, really weird. I’m able to go until the payment page on both laptop and my phone
  7. Just preordered the picture disc from her US store, just in case. Really hoping they reply to me this week so I can cancel one order
  8. Coming this Thursday
  9. They actually do but it’s expensive af lmao
  10. Her store’s CS is the worst at replying quickly. They will eventually reply tho. However, Universal’s is, so expect an answer today, I’m sure they will get to you.
  11. Nah, I’d very much doubt it. That list I’ve posted has the wrong dates. Based on that list, Spotify Picture Disc would be coming mid-February or whatever the date was, but we have it already EDIT: I mean, not saying I doubt-doubt it, it’s not unlikely, but js the dates are wrong
  12. I mean, I’m 99,9% sure I’m going to preorder that thing from her US store today, as backup, just so I can see what her store replies to me (the other reply was from Universal CS, not Lana CS, hence why the random answer lmao). Depending on what they say, one of those orders I’ll be cancelling myself so
  13. Jw: has anyone been able to buy the picture disc since the whole "UK only" thing? People from the UK, I mean
  14. So, I contacted Universal's CS yesterday, or the day before, and they replied to me this afternoon. I'm not sure what their reply means tho bc it doesn't answer anything that I asked lmao This is what they literally said: And this was what I sent to them:
  15. They usually take a long time to reply tho And also, they only work on week days, no weekends or holidays
  16. Imagine sleeping on songs like Brite Lites, Kill Kill, Mermaid Motel or Jump; can’t relate
  17. This. Also, the song isn’t about hating men lmao it’s about hating this world where if you’re not a white straight cis-man, then you don’t got many chances to be successful. It’s a diss on society as a whole bc we are all to blame
  18. If you could do it, thank you. Just fool them thinking you're someone else who managed to pre-order the damn picture disc and you live outside UK, but still on Europe. I messaged them yesterday but haven't gotten a reply yet
  19. Bummer, wishing you said you already ordered it so we could see what they'd reply to that. How long did they take to answer? 'Cause you got a really quick reply from them lmao
  20. I also did that but I was talking about the CS' reply that @lamms posted yesterday
  21. Be honest: if you were me, and you lived outside the UK, would you still think like that or would you cancel the order yourself and buy one from her US store? 'Cause I legit don't know what to do and I need someone to decide it for me
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