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Everything posted by Yosemite

  1. What did you send them for them to reply that the item was UK only? I remember seeing that Customer Service’s reply you posted here
  2. I know, that’s how everyone did. What I’m saying is, if you go there rn, w/o being signed in, add the item to your basket then proceed to sign in, you’ll see the item will disappear from your basket
  3. You forgot to mention that, when they in fact steal everything from here, they also translate it wrong, mix shit up and then stuff has a way different meaning
  4. I'ma wait till Monday/Tuesday or until we get further info. But Is2g....
  5. Lmao fr Like, it allows you to pre-order w/o being signed in, but once you sign in, your basket is empty. From her US store it's like 4-5€ more but if they're going to cancel our orders, do it while the picture disc is available, not after it's gone
  6. Let me know what they reply I still can order it w/o any problem
  7. So what happens w/ the people from Europe who were able to buy it? Lmao Also, I just tested it out and I can still order it perfectly fine and I’m not from the UK
  8. Never have I ever heard that Fnac.pt also delivers outside of Portugal. But yeah, like I said, I’m not sure. I couldn’t find any info on that on the website
  9. Unfortunately, I don’t think Fnac.pt delivers outside Portugal I could be wrong tho, try creating an account and then try to order it. If it gets confirmed till the end, you’re safe
  10. So, the picture popped up again on my Twitter and I- Is she... pulling Chuck's hair?
  11. UPDATE: try pre-ordering the picture disc, the warning doesn't pop up now. So I'm guessing it was either a glitch or they did that intentionally bc they were getting a lot more orders than what they expected and needed a time w/o orders for whatever reason.
  12. Fingers crossed And thank you for trying that!
  13. Not sure what it stands for but I think it's her store. The gray and transparent vinyl have D2C at the end- and they're both store exclusive.
  14. Now I'm worried about that whole "The following product(s) are not deliverable to your country" thing. I'm sure my order will get cancelled. Non-UK/US fans really can't have nice things
  15. Thank you! I was also thinking that. I hope this picture disc thing is just a glitch tho and I hope they still deliver it to me or else I'ma be waiting for it till release day only for it to get cancelled
  16. Got this from twitter, dates are wrong tho but yeah There's another picture disc incoming However, I guess it's her store exclusive and not some other store exclusive
  17. Where you from tho? I'm from Portugal and it worked a few minutes ago. Or will I be refunded????? I-
  18. Only 959?? You gotta be kidding me. Where's that user that said they sold their foot dust or wtv? I'ma do the same for extra quick money
  19. Not to be annoying saying this again but: can you check on the source code how many copies are left for the double disc bundle? I'd do it myself but I don't know how to
  20. https://shoplanadelrey.com/collections/spotify-fan-first/products/chemtrails-over-the-country-club-picture-disc
  21. Can you try finding how many copies are left for the Double Disc Bundle? I'm getting anxious now
  22. This shit was a gift for Aquarius lmao But yeah, already ordered
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