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Everything posted by luckyonewithoutyou

  1. I thought she used it yesterday, it's still bad that she used it, but if she was 14 at the time...C'mon now
  2. what were the circumstances? Did she call someone that?
  3. I think the outro of high by the beach is really good-it's more memorable than a good bit of her stuff- "Anyone can start again Not through love but through revenge Through the fire, we're born again Peace by vengeance, brings the end" Also most of the songs listed under Actually Bad lyrics are my favorites from her
  4. Oh my god I feel so bad for her http://melaniemartinezmusic.tumblr.com/post/127925960743/im-so-disappointed-tonight-i-got-my-purse-stolen
  5. Would you like to mention how many songs are on your album? I love the two songs you've released so far
  6. Has anyone ripped or found the drive demo? If so, can you post it here?
  7. The Emotion is literally amazing,
  8. luckyonewithoutyou


    God I hope not In the interview, she said half is very experimental and half is pop-ish, I guess the new Geidi Primes/Halfaxa-esque songs would fall into the experimental side
  9. luckyonewithoutyou


    How many songs do you think will be on this new album?
  10. The daddy thing/fetish appeals to some gays, I guess? That's what they've said here, but otherwise I don't see it either.
  11. The numbers here arent updated and two songs (including Blue Velvet) have already been eliminated
  12. Honeymoon has sold 3 trillion copies already and they were all purchased by me and the other members of this forum
  13. @ You have to subtract one from one song and add one to another (this is how the songs are eliminated) and I can color code it for you if you want
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