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Posts posted by Monicker

  1. I think Melua in that song was making a point that you can create a richly diverse reality out of a pair of opposites


    Yeah, that's what i took it to mean, too.


    By the way, i didn't intend to deny any biological differences between the sexes, if this how it came across. I'm not Judith Butler ;)


    By the way, I don’t imply that women are or should be only feminine and men only masculine


    I know. What i was questioning is the idea that certain attributes (eg. integrative/separatist) are inherently "masculine" or "feminine."


    As for your quote of me using masculine pronouns with regard to the human I guess it would be more gender-sensitive to use “their” or “his/her” instead of “his”. Or even “her” if I wanted to sound super feminist or affirmative action-like ;) But it seemed kinda awkward to me…


    Using "her" would be the pendulum swinging all the way in the other direction, no? I think that's a misconception to attribute something like that to "super feminist" (whatever that term even means). Nothing to do with Affirmative Action either. If you were talking about, say, Asian people in an all inclusive way, to represent the whole of the continent, you wouldn't keep referring to them as Chinese, would you? I didn't realize using "him/her" or "their" when speaking of all people could be awkward. It goes beyond just being gender-sensitive.


    Speaking of binary ontology, there is a wave-particle duality in the fundamental nature of matter, which has some similarities with the feminine-masculine duality. Depending on the situation, an element of matter can behave as a definite, localized, separate particle or as a wave spread out in space that encompasses probabilistic possibilities of particle manifestations in different locations and can also connect different elements of matter in the so-called quantum entanglement (separatist particles/integrative waves).


    Does this have to do with the double slit experiment with photons?

  2. OMG ha. I actually plan on eventually having a blog with pictures, but i need to get better first and build up my portfolio!


    I don't really have good pictures yet, only a few of the very first quick, half-assed tests that i did:



    This was a test on my own nails to see if i could use this special ultra fine Japanese pen i have instead of using polish and then applying a clear top coat over the pen:



    Testing out these kind of crappy nail art pens:



    I don't know what this one was, a disaster kind of:




  3. Traps are everywhere! :) Regarding a binary ontology (or maybe epistemology if you like) here is a quote from a song by Katie Melua: "The piano keys are black and white, but they sound like a million colours in your mind." I am interested in getting to the root of things, so I note differences and similarities and try to create general categories. Social constructs, dogmas etc. reflect something too.



    I can agree with that to an extent even though i'm very wary of binaries, especially as absolutes, or absolutes of any kind, really. We're on the same page with the piano analogy, but not for the same reason that i imagined was your intent in making the analogy: the piano and its black & white keys are a human construction--not rooted in a natural phenomenon--much like the social construct of reducing being down to these polarizing masculine/feminine "fundamentals." BTW, the harpsichord and some fortepianos, which both predate the pianoforte, have the black/white key scheme inverted.



    I didn't understand your question about using a he/him/his language to represent all... I think I always use it in connection with she/her/her.


    What i was referring to is bolded in the following:


    Esoteric accounts of the human condition (as well as the big religions) say that in the beginning the human was in a state of union or harmony with the divine. Some describe it as living in a garden or paradise. That era didn't last, because the human misused his will and separated himself from the divine instead of cooperating with it. In esoteric interpretations, this was a split within the human himself: his separatist masculine part (ego) suppressed his integrative feminine part (soul); there was a narrowing of consciousness and a limitation to the physical sensory perception. This spiritual fall then led to the diminishing of human vitality and ultimately to death, both spiritual and physical.


    Also, a lot of this soul/ego duality is sexist and too reductionist and essentialist. Why should these ontological attributes have to be tied to gender? Does that have any real value? Is it not dismissive of our complexities and ambiguities? I mean, integrative = feminine and separatist = masculine? I find that rather insulting. What do those qualities really have to do with the socially constructed ways in which men and women have been segregated throughout history? And what about those who don't fit into a gender binary? I just don't get why this stuff has to be described in terms of a male/female dichotomy.




    P.S. I do enjoy reading your posts, so i hope you don't take any of this "the wrong way."

  4. Did anyone notice how she talked to Fearne about the experiences of making the Ride video, shared some anecdotes and her general feelings on the experience, and then later when she was picking out which questions to answer from fans, she picked the one about what it was like to make the Ride video, and she proceeded to say the same stuff she had just said a few minutes prior?






    Classic Lizzy avoidance?

  5. MTE. Does it make sense to pass judgement on such an insignificant, let alone live recording?


    But it's not even a live recording. It's just her briefly singing a line without accompaniment in passing during an interview, demonstrating to the interviewer what she's working on.


    Or did i miss something? Was there something else?


    What kind of odd chord progression is that? So uncomfortable.


    Ha, as someone who makes music, i would take that as a compliment (though i don't find anything odd about that progression).

  6. that's so cute u help do her nails. my boyfriend won't even touch the stuff because of how the glue dries lol



    and the gold tooth OWNS


    Oh, she doesn’t do acrylics. She gets a gel base coat done at a salon and then i do the designs over the gels with either nail art pens or really, really fine brushes. I don’t do kitschy stuff like palm trees or anything though, haa. I usually do geometric designs and, like, abstract doodling kind of things. I don't really know how to describe it, just whatever strikes my fancy at the moment. It’s a lot of fun to do and i love how they look!


    Count me as another who loves the sparkling gold tooth. Though i think she’s the only one who could pull off something that ridiculous.

  7. del+rey+lana+2012+june+candid4.jpg


    This yachtie/country club look is a weakness for me. I really want to see her in seersucker. :flutter:


    Also, i got really into nail designs because of Lizzy, which i never ever would have thought i'd be into before. Incidentally, shortly thereafter, i started dating a girl who is really into it too. We started getting really into nail art blogs and now i do designs on my girlfriend and some of my and her friends. It all came together somehow.

  8. The two threads should be merged. I was going to suggest it earlier but i didn't want to seem [square].


    OH, and DELETE that canada goose thread, banish it to hell, OUT with that obvious spamming. :imbeingsarcasticbitch2:


    Can we please post our awesome reviews of each song in the Rate Paradise thread? That's kind of why it was made. :( No one seems to be actually discussing TPE in a different way than it's been done somewhere else in here, so I may end up merging the two threads together. I don't want to seem mean but the lack of efficient organization is killing me!


    Also, Monicker, where do you hear the vocal take coming in on BE? I hate the studio version, so any opportunities to point out its flaws are more than welcome. :3


    Just to be clear what i'm talking about are the points at which the vocal track changes to another take. I'm not talking about the vocal track coming in and out as it is being muted and unmuted in between vocal phrases, something that is very audible all throughout the album, and most prominently in Bel Air, where it happens consistently throughout the song.


    Anyway, as for what you asked in Body Electric:


    1:37 in between “night” and “dancing”

    2:32 in between “fun” and “we”

    2:45 in between “alright” and “Mary” (but i’m not sure about this one)


    EDIT: Saying that i'm not sure about the last one implies that i am sure about the others and, well, i can't possibly be 100% certain, but that is what my ears tell me. I'd say i'm about 98% sure.

  9. Yeah, i don't hear it, which is why i was asking. What i hear are vocals that were, for whatever reason, recorded and EQed in a way that makes them sound very thin, and the reverb they used definitely adds to this quality. I believe there's also a very, very subtle delay on the vocals that's not flattering. I don't like how the vocals were produced and the overall tone of them, but i don't hear A-T. I don't hear any notes being pulled up or down to the "correct" pitch anywhere. Listen to every instance of "electriiiiiiiic" like at 0:54, i think if there was A-T that's where it would be most evident, but that sounds very straight to me. I'm not an authority on the subject though. I was just hoping that someone who hears it as clearly as you seem to be suggesting can point out exact moments where it stands out the most, like what specifically to listen out for, you know? I do hear exactly where one take ends and another starts throughout the song, and that's pretty distracting.

  10. Hey, been trying to convince my friend into getting bangs for the longest time, need to find this study if it's real.


    Haa, no, it's not real. It is merely my opinion on the matter. Tough crowd tonight. Just tell your friend that Monicker over at Lanaboards says so. I mean, that's just as good as scientific research, right? Cum on, bangs are where it's at.


























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