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Posts posted by KingJay

  1. Hmm from my view it looks like gum wrapper .. idk exactly what for tho lol and ohmygod sorta off topic, but yeah bad wifi's the worst, hope ya get that fixed. But honestly tho, I mean it's a good way of exercising restraint if anything, 'less ya wanted to tease urself til the end of August or who tf knows exactly ~


    Good luck w it tho, I'd suggest something like pico or something. AND, i mean most of them are on insta anyway, so, if worse comes to REAL worse, u can save the posts or something, nd listen to em thru there

    thanks man! Unfortunately xfinity/Comcast has the worst customer service and here in Florida where I live they offer the best and fastest internet so I have to keep dealing with them until I can get them to fix it.


    And yea so far it has been the best way for me to stay away from the snippets. I’d almost listen to them everyday lol.


    The good thing about a lot of her songs is that when you don’t listen to them for a while and you suddenly do they sound so amazing lol. Good thing I have MAC, VB, HIAD and Doin Time downloaded on my iPad so I can listen to them all the time.

    I’m Torn (by Endaswap) tbh; the production Anton Jackoff was giving it in that livestream was nice but I love the version in that snippet she posted forever ago

    I’m torn between wanting HTD to be just a piano and her voice like the live version, but I do like the instrumental/beat that he was playing during the live stream.

  2. My fave looks/aesthetics from any era are definitely from UV that whole vibe she was giving off was so perfect. It’s so underrated. The whole leather jacket and etc. that’s the baddie we want and deserve. I love the BTD looks too, but how she looked during UV. Will never be topped. LFL could have been better and HM was good to for that album. It fits the sound of the album so perfectly. Was she looking a little chubbier during that era or was it just me? She still looked gorgeous tho.

    It'd b great if this was part of the album booklet imo, it's a bit sleazy ish tho but I dig the micro-moment sensationalism absas1.png

    what is that in her hand? For a second I thought it was rolling paper lol. I can’t zoom in on mobile and since my cell service sucks in my house it took forever to load.


    Speaking of, my home WiFi hasn’t been working for like 3 weeks so I haven’t had a chance to keep going back and torturing my self by listening to the snippets of all the NFR songs. :( I already forgot what the snippet for the title song sounds like lol. Sometimes I crave to listen to the snippets and it sucks because I can’t :’(

  3. I really think that the riverside pic where she is wearing sketchers was taken intended to be the album cover. Maybe that’s the one she said that her manager wasn’t happy with? I mean it doesn’t look like just any random picture. I still stand by me wanting that pic to be the cover lol. I know a lot of y’all don’t like it. But I love it. I just hope we don’t get another lfl style cover with the ugly border

  4. IYC sounds so beautiful.


    I can just picture myself driving Along the long road that follows the beach shore by Where I live listening to it on full volume in my car with all the windows down, with the warmth of the sun set lightly grazing my face while the sky has a blueish yellow/orange color to it with a faint breeze flowing through my hair and just feeling so peaceful. Like nothing else in the world matters at that exact moment.... siiigh

  5. I will agree a lot ppl are hating on it (the collab) without hearing it first and I think the majority of those ppl are just really down on the idea of the collab and that instantly makes them opposed to it no matter how it sounds. Yeah, it’s mainly arianna in the trailer, but is that surprising? She’s the most “popular” right now. I’m confident Lana will add something amazing to the track!

    Also I’m really hoping this July 2nd “hunch” means something. It probably doesn’t I know, I don’t need reminded. I just like to hope.

    Also, everyone is entitled to their own opinions I get that. It DOES feel like there is an overwhelming sense of negativity regarding this collab tho. It’s lighthearted. It doesn’t need to be so serious that we view it as compromising her artistic integrity. It doesn’t. AT ALL.

    Some people are kind of weird and just don’t like when sis collabs with anyone lol. It’s like they want her for just themselves.

  6. Bro, seriously ... try occasionally typing something that doesn't involve you having a go at someone else. Fuck.

    Bro, seriously ...

    NO. Keep scrolling like I do with your post when I see you complaining about a song that isn’t even fully released yet, or because someone may potentially like a song that you don’t. It’s not that hard.




    I gave in and listened to the snippets of Cinnamon and IYC again after promising myself I wouldn’t, why must I partake in clownery?? Also I saw someone mention the cars swooshing by as she’s playing IYC, and it would be awesome if they had been apart of the song. Even though it’s something so small and minor, but it somehow fits the whole vibe of the song. What if sis delayed the album to add the swooshing sound of the cars passing by??? Lol

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