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Posts posted by Jack

  1. This girl is really gonna release her album LATER in the US... She is going to lose a lot of sales to pirating and will alienate good US fans like me! She chose the wrong one to mess with!!!

  2. Wild was a clear highlight to me

    yeah its definitely a more poppy track with that mouth popping bubble sound lol, i really love Good and Bout You tho (thinking is really the only true filler track TBH, it is so boring and shouldnt have even been on the record imo)

  3. Did anyone listen to the album??

    yeah I've been vibing to it, strongest tracks (that weren't promo singles) IMO are Wild, Bout You, Good, and Sad Song

  4. im nathan and i have made at least 10 dupe accounts on lanaboards to keep a "fight" going... i know im the craziest allie x fan but thats only because theres so little competition... when can i be banned so can make another account?

    damn he roasted himself... savage

  5. Wait! You're Jack Novem? I watch your videos and love your music!


    well well well, my reputation precedes me! Always here for anyone interested in my music have a lovely day!

    I loved your immortal ripoff, truley inspireng

    my what?

  6. Are you fucking kidding me? What's disrespectful is how you think the most important thing about this is how somebody's name is spelt? How is that more important than the 50 people that have died in a mass shooting

    thank you for pointing this out to me after several people have already said this, you're late as usual in trying to call me out for something but thank you

    So you deleted your original post? God you're a damn mess...

    me realizing that what I said wasn't ok in this time and context doesn't make me a mess it makes me a person with a conscience go fuck yourself

  7. Edwin I'm sorry if my original post in this topic wasn't worded the best and I came off hostile, I'm really truly heartbroken about this happening in your community (or at all) and I'm sorry that you and everyone around you has been affected so terribly by this evil act. I do care about her name just because I feel it's important to respect the dead and their legacy, but I'm really sorry for speaking so bluntly when the situation is so awful that bluntness just makes me sound like a real asshole. I wish you and everyone in Orlando hope that this something like this will never happen again.

  8. My condolences to those who were affected by these events and my heart goes out to everyone who is suffering from them. The world is a terrible place a lot of the time and more often than not nothing is done to prevent these kind of tragedies. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of both tragedies and I hope they can find peace knowing that the world is grieving with them and people are wanting to make a difference.

    Can you not turn this thread into something about you? If you wanna talk disrespectful, you're certainly right there in the middle of it, coming in a thread about a tragedy just to start some bullshit. You're upset and that's fine, but going on like this is only take attention away from these events and putting all the attention on you. You clearly missed the bigger picture since it wasn't about you.

    I'm not making this about myself, I'm just saying that if we don't take the time actually remember the people who lost their lives and respect their existence by correctly spelling their names then what is the point of even speaking about the tragedy? These people all mattered, they all deserve to be remembered correctly and not be misrepresented...

  9. yes let me focus on a accidental misspell when this and her shooting happened 3 miles from where i live and work

    ok but after all the times her name has been in the news I didn't think it would be that hard to spell her fucking name right... It's disrespectful Jesus Christ

    her name is also misspelled in the thread about her, it's hardly the most important thing to be angry about here.

    the girl was shot and killed outside her own concer I think spelling her name correctly gives her life the respect she deserves

  10. KROQ+Weenie+Roast+2016+NQHIyEuDoz_l.jpg


    Bishop Briggs is a British Alternative singer/songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. Bishop was born in London to Scottish parents from Bishopbriggs, Scotland. After secondary school, she settled in Los Angeles. After a performance in a local bar, she recorded her first single in 2015 under the name Bishop, titled "Wild Horses", which was produced by Mark Jackson and Ian Scott. In 2016, she released the follow-up single "River" and changed her recording name to Bishop Briggs to avoid confusion with a heavy metal band of the same name.


    Singles so far in order of release:




  11. hi, thought I'd update this thread with a few horror/ thriller films ive seen recently, and to get this thread back on to so people can share some movies!!! 


    Pontypool (i thought this was a foreign language film for like 3 years so i never saw it until just now :toofunny: and its AMAZING its a slow burn but well worth the watch!

    The Invitation

    Hush (this one has gotten actually very popular for a horror movie through the word of mouth about its slightly different take on the psycho vs. girl in the woods theme)

    the final girls

    (ill update the list casually)

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