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  1. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    She's def moving to Louisiana. His children are also there, so I don't think he'd pack up and leave and leave his business. She'll be so bored there that she'll write new music eventually. 
  2. daphnedinkley liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    She's def moving to Louisiana. His children are also there, so I don't think he'd pack up and leave and leave his business. She'll be so bored there that she'll write new music eventually. 
  3. Black to Blue liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    She's def moving to Louisiana. His children are also there, so I don't think he'd pack up and leave and leave his business. She'll be so bored there that she'll write new music eventually. 
  4. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    She's def moving to Louisiana. His children are also there, so I don't think he'd pack up and leave and leave his business. She'll be so bored there that she'll write new music eventually. 
  5. jaesana liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    She's def moving to Louisiana. His children are also there, so I don't think he'd pack up and leave and leave his business. She'll be so bored there that she'll write new music eventually. 
  6. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    She's def moving to Louisiana. His children are also there, so I don't think he'd pack up and leave and leave his business. She'll be so bored there that she'll write new music eventually. 
  7. less liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I fear Lana has been wanting to be married and have kids for so long that she fell in love with the idea of Jeremy and being a wife more than that she allows critical thinking rn. I knew they've 'known' each other since 2019 but be fr. They've been dating for less than that and way too little to decide if living together and actually supporting each other's endeavors is enough to make it.
    There's so much redflags she's ignoring, such as the liking the thirst traps, which she wouldn't have ignored in previous relationships. Her dating a trumpie is sadly nothing new though 
  8. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    also that post seems to deny that Lana puts her deepest innermost thoughts in her poetry and music and that her life-long fans can't read into it and speculate based on that. Of course we don't KNOW, i don't even think she KNOWS what she's doing half the time, but I would hate for her heart to break.
  9. taco truck liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    also that post seems to deny that Lana puts her deepest innermost thoughts in her poetry and music and that her life-long fans can't read into it and speculate based on that. Of course we don't KNOW, i don't even think she KNOWS what she's doing half the time, but I would hate for her heart to break.
  10. rhubysyrup liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I fear Lana has been wanting to be married and have kids for so long that she fell in love with the idea of Jeremy and being a wife more than that she allows critical thinking rn. I knew they've 'known' each other since 2019 but be fr. They've been dating for less than that and way too little to decide if living together and actually supporting each other's endeavors is enough to make it.
    There's so much redflags she's ignoring, such as the liking the thirst traps, which she wouldn't have ignored in previous relationships. Her dating a trumpie is sadly nothing new though 
  11. heroingold liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I fear Lana has been wanting to be married and have kids for so long that she fell in love with the idea of Jeremy and being a wife more than that she allows critical thinking rn. I knew they've 'known' each other since 2019 but be fr. They've been dating for less than that and way too little to decide if living together and actually supporting each other's endeavors is enough to make it.
    There's so much redflags she's ignoring, such as the liking the thirst traps, which she wouldn't have ignored in previous relationships. Her dating a trumpie is sadly nothing new though 
  12. mssainttropez liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    how many kids does he have and what are their ages? I assume Twitter girlie was fake
  13. Churchome Rep liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I fear Lana has been wanting to be married and have kids for so long that she fell in love with the idea of Jeremy and being a wife more than that she allows critical thinking rn. I knew they've 'known' each other since 2019 but be fr. They've been dating for less than that and way too little to decide if living together and actually supporting each other's endeavors is enough to make it.
    There's so much redflags she's ignoring, such as the liking the thirst traps, which she wouldn't have ignored in previous relationships. Her dating a trumpie is sadly nothing new though 
  14. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I fear Lana has been wanting to be married and have kids for so long that she fell in love with the idea of Jeremy and being a wife more than that she allows critical thinking rn. I knew they've 'known' each other since 2019 but be fr. They've been dating for less than that and way too little to decide if living together and actually supporting each other's endeavors is enough to make it.
    There's so much redflags she's ignoring, such as the liking the thirst traps, which she wouldn't have ignored in previous relationships. Her dating a trumpie is sadly nothing new though 
  15. palemoonbaby liked a post in a topic by Edelgard in Lana Del Rey's wedding as she marries Jeremy Dufrene in Des Allemands, LA - September 26th, 2024   
    I fear Lana has been wanting to be married and have kids for so long that she fell in love with the idea of Jeremy and being a wife more than that she allows critical thinking rn. I knew they've 'known' each other since 2019 but be fr. They've been dating for less than that and way too little to decide if living together and actually supporting each other's endeavors is enough to make it.
    There's so much redflags she's ignoring, such as the liking the thirst traps, which she wouldn't have ignored in previous relationships. Her dating a trumpie is sadly nothing new though 
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