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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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again, you can do a very light 10 minute makeup, and a quick hair styling without heat and be done in half an hour. nowhere did i say she needed a full professionally done face and 15 pounds of hair extensions.. dramatic

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again dramatic... no one asked her to cake her face or use heat on her hair.

Right. Someone made a completely mild, non-threatening, blase comment about her appearance, as an individual, at one event in one photo.


When I look at LDR, I see the artist and individual, not a stand-in and proxy for “every woman on the planet and every woman who has or will ever live.”

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again, you can do a very light 10 minute makeup, and a quick hair styling without heat and be done in half an hour. nowhere did i say she needed a full professionally done face and 15 pounds of hair extensions.. dramatic

k but, Lana is literally such a gorgeous woman whether she’s fresh-faced or professionally styled

Like??? Can you find something better to argue about?? Let women do whatever tf they want


gLoH.gif :beyonce:

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well, do you want them to NOT share anything at all?


No, I just disagree with the way a lot of leakers go about things. I'm happy when something leaks and listen to lana's leaks probably a little too frequently, but a lot of leakers seem to get off on the 'power' they have and love to exploit it, a tame but recent example being getting people to vote for their friends in the stanny awards on ig. A less tame example being accepting sexual favours. Idc about the people that are willing to exchange nudes or sex for leaks, but i do care about the type of person that would ask for them and create a culture in which that's a thing that happens.

locals only

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There is no problem. :oopna:  Didn't mean to worry you, baddisease--I have no idea what she has/hasn't had done-- the doctor does a lot of face care stuff, and the vampire thing just jumped out at me 'cuz it sounded funny. (I don't keep up with trends like that so I didn't know it was dangerous)



Anyway! Question: do the colored vinyls sound different from the black? I like the pink one, but I read some reviews that red Honeymoon didn't sound as good? So now I'm wondering if black is better audio quality of if that was just coincidence.

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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I wasn’t even the person making a very mild and common sense criticism of LDR and her hair, you’re calling me “gross.” You can’t make a rational argument.


There’s ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with ANYONE saying, about anyone, “his suit doesn’t fit him” or “I don’t care for her eye makeup” or a billion variations of that. As I said, most of us live in actuality, in the real world, where judgments small and large, of all kinds, are made by millions of people about everything, not a Facebook page where a group of people flatter one another and only say ‘nice’ things.

Everything's kinda going over your head so I don't know why I even bother to reply, but here I am.

No one said anything along the lines of "his suit doesn't fit him" or "I don't care for her eye makeup". What was said is that Lana should wear more makeup everytime she goes out, and that she should "brush her hair" (even though her hair looked completely fine, and so did her face) when going to these events (even though she's literally just at a birthday party). What was also said is that women in the public eye should be expected to wear makeup and style their hair at each event, and that it's totally fine to criticize someone's appearence if you don't approve of it, the same way people criticize her songs (that comparison makes no sense whatsoever btw.)


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Right. Someone made a completely mild, non-threatening, blase comment about her appearance, as an individual, at one event in one photo.


When I look at LDR, I see the artist and individual, not a stand-in and proxy for “every woman on the planet and every woman who has or will ever live.”


americans are weird, they think i'm speaking for all of women everywhere in the entire world...

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again, you can do a very light 10 minute makeup, and a quick hair styling without heat and be done in half an hour. nowhere did i say she needed a full professionally done face and 15 pounds of hair extensions.. dramatic


still requiring her to alter her default appearance to conform to your standards of beauty. i don't care what kind of makeup you require her to do, you're still requiring her to do it. i don't wanna clog up the thread and make innocent people keep reading your SPICY hot takes so i'm just going to leave it at that  :hooker:

go-go dancer so rare

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americans are weird, they think i'm speaking for all of women everywhere in the entire world...

Believe me, it’s not all Americans by any means. It’s those who have been raised on a PC diet and are Feeling/Perceptive types on the Myers-Briggs Indicator.

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also to the ppl saying “brush her hair” “i never said she needed to use heat tho” etc... her hair IS brushed. it looks that way BECAUSE she uses heat and it causes damage. if she never tried to style her hair other than the way it naturally styles itself it would look much healthier and y’all wouldnt be saying she needs to brush her hair even tho it is brushed already. brushing it won’t get rid of frizz and fly always from damaged hair shafts- in many cases it can make them worse. so what do y’all want


her hair looks relatively healthy and it’s beautiful anyways so... what is the problem with it that y’all are seeing and i’m not


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And as we all know, women gets ‘shamed’ and attacked by other women as well as men, often more often by other women than by men—look at reality television and the cat fights and continual barrage of nasty comments women on them make against their costars. Trolls come in all genders, races, ages, ethnicities, etc.


But a simple common sense “Gee, why doesn’t she do something with her hair?” comment is not an attack and doesn’t make that commenter a troll.

when women do something sexist, it's still sexist.  Women and men should both be held to a higher standard.  Also I never said that made the commenter a troll or called it an attack. I did say it was unproductive, which I stand by.

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Yeah she’s a public figure and blah blah blah, but I mean my god what year is it? 19 fucking 50, aren’t we getting over women being “required” to wear fucking makeup? It’s fucking 2019, dismantle the fucking patriarchy, stop leaning into and perpetuating harmful societal norms like “she didn’t wear eyeliner and she’s a woman which means she didn’t even try”. You can try and deny what you’re doing, you could be completely oblivious to it, but you ARE the problem when you say shit like that. Yeah she’s a celebrity and that means she’s far more likely to be judged but let’s at least update the fucking criteria to be with the times. She’s wearing a cute dress and she let her hair look natural. It’s not like she showed up in a fucking sweatshirt and leggings and sneakers.


My god.


Anyways, about that NFR I sure am looking forward to it. Hopefully the season of the witch thing is tru it’s sounds really neat.


I, for one, think it's really brave for her to be in the public eye when her ears don't match the beauty queen measurements. 

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still requiring her to alter her default appearance to conform to your standards of beauty. i don't care what kind of makeup you require her to do, you're still requiring her to do it. i don't wanna clog up the thread and make innocent people keep reading your SPICY hot takes so i'm just going to leave it at that :hooker:

No one is asking, much less requiring, her to do anything. People trash Justin Bieber for his sloppy, extremely casual

appearance all day every day. Are those who do ‘requiring’ him to wash his face and hair and wash his clothes?? No. They’re just expressing their opinion, period.


There are trolls that are extremely mean, but that’s life. Everyone should be used to that by 2019. And that is not what was going on here.

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americans are weird, they think i'm speaking for all of women everywhere in the entire world...

Believe me, it’s not all Americans by any means. It’s those who have been raised on a PC diet and are Feeling/Perceptive types on the Myers-Briggs Indicator.

I'm not even american but I guess calling someone out on their misogyny makes you both a SJW and an american


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