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Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread

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i wish i could listen to VB for the first time again. i did not know what to expect and the instrumental seemed so "space-y"

I get what u mean. It was a pretty gloomy day when it came out for me here, and it was just beautiful. I've got a projector that I use whenever I watch things to just feel them through better and it was a TRIP 


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We also don't know that HIAB or HTD don't burst into guitar randomly or something. Those could just be first verses.

HTD could have guitars yes. HIaB : don’t think so. We already heard 1 min and a half of it and it is a piano-voice track apparently.

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Significant amount? HIAB and How to Disappear?

All the tracks we heard so far have either begun with a piano or guitar.

Not so sure if RBFY fits with the whole atmosphere of NFR. If it does, i’d Be more than happy, but that track is very spring to me and we are headed for a fall-winter album apparently

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Today was one of the days I went to uni riding my bike listening to Venice Bitch and those moments, when I'm sliding through the streets with the cars around me and the night sky above sending a soft drizzle, are the moments I realize how perfect that song is  :icant: what a journey

Also, during the whole song the streets were so busy but in the end when Lana was singing "If you weren't mine I'd be jealous of your love" I was riding through a dark, empty street and wow... a mood  :crai:

into your eyes tumblr_olomd1pIFG1u8tvjvo2_500.gif my face remains

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I need a song like Fade Into You by Mazzy Star or Ghost by Sky Ferreira.

oh my...... I can already imagine Lana singing on a song like Ghost. Desperation in her voice and then those lavish, devastating guitar riffs before/throughout the chorus (what did I doooooo to make you so cruuuuuel I've got this ache inside my heart I know that it's youuuuui :deadbanana:)



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Today was one of the days I went to uni riding my bike listening to Venice Bitch and those moments, when I'm sliding through the streets with the cars around me and the night sky above sending a soft drizzle, are the moments I realize how perfect that song is  :icant: what a journey

Also, during the whole song the streets were so busy but in the end when Lana was singing "If you weren't mine I'd be jealous of your love" I was riding through a dark, empty street and wow... a mood  :crai:

Aw this is amazing, for some reason this makes me rly happy. Like sure Lana creates music for herself before everything but I'm sure this kind of things is exactly why she chooses to put it out in the world, like imagine as an artist what it would feel like to have complete strangers vibe and relate to something you've made yourself and how something that has a signification to you the creator becomes something equally as beautiful but very different in the mind of someone else... This is so simple and all in all banal like just listening to her when going to uni but because it's so simple and deeply human I'm sure it would make her very happy. I'm sure of it 


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When Lana drops a lead i'm ALWAYS afraid that I won't like the album, this happens since Honeymoon


I really hope she don't go the rural country-folk road from AKA. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Yayo and Kill Kill, but this doesn't match anything we heard from BTD to LFL

it doesnt need to match with anything

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The sound she is going for in NFR just seems so gentle and so unlike Lana. I really don't want to imagine she's losing her unique spark or she's too afraid to go above and beyond like she has on previous records. In all honesty I don't know how to feel about this new sound, and I don't mean her being happy. I like that she is happy, she has made many wonderful "happy" songs such as Radio, Brooklyn Baby, Religion, Get Free, just to name a few. I just have an odd feeling about this era.

Favorite Scene from Tropico? - Page 2 - Lana Thoughts - LanaBoards - Lana  Del Rey Forum

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The sound she is going for in NFR just seems so gentle and so unlike Lana. I really don't want to imagine she's losing her unique spark or she's too afraid to go above and beyond like she has on previous records. In all honesty I don't know how to feel about this new sound, and I don't mean her being happy. I like that she is happy, she has made wonderful "happy" songs such as Radio, Brooklyn Baby, Religion, Get Free, just to name a few. I just have an odd feeling about this era.

Favorite Scene from Tropico? - Page 2 - Lana Thoughts - LanaBoards - Lana  Del Rey Forum

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The sound she is going for in NFR just seems so gentle and so unlike Lana. I really don't want to imagine she's losing her unique spark or she's too afraid to go above and beyond like she has on previous records. In all honesty I don't know how to feel about this new sound, and I don't mean her being happy. I like that she is happy, she has made many wonderful "happy" songs such as Radio, Brooklyn Baby, Religion, Get Free, just to name a few. I just have an odd feeling about this era.

uh she's literally going beyond but k

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