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Lana at Blankenship Hair Salon in Broken Arrow, Tulsa, OK - July 24th, 2020

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Why do gay men think that being gay gives them a pass to be misogynistic towards her? Also I know some of them are girls but gay men can be vicious af

♡  standing stoic blue and denim, eyes not blue but clear like heaven 

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Which one is his daughter?


the one on the left, with the giant mouth


Alyssa is not in the picture. The women on the left is Cierra Gonzalez, the stylist who did Lana's hair. Alyssa does frequent this salon though and is friends with many of the stylists, including Cierra.

Also, I'm sure you could have thought of a politer way to word your response x 


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Y'all this thread on ATRL is nasty as fuck especially the title - https://atrl.net/forums/topic/308026-lana-del-rey-debuts-new-look-serves-grandma/


Then again it is the shittiest forum towards women going so who's surprised.

okay I laughed out loud


let's be real, all you bitches wanna look like me

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Lmao same thought. Lana looks like a giant comapred to the others


She is indeed very tall and big.




Absolutely beautiful :gclap:

the one on the left, with the giant mouth



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I love the blonde look but she has no make up on and she's wearing that cardigan that is not flattering in any way.


What I think is funny is how the Instagram account of the salon called her "Lana del Ray", so I DM them, and I told them they wrote Lana's name wrong... I was nice, but a little bit like, if a legend of music visits you, maybe you should be aware of how you write her name.


The owner answered me... "Have you ever heard of "auto correct"? Wild things happen these days now" And I laugh so hard hahahaha <3 Told her I don't meant to be rude, but a lot of people in the US call her Lana del Ray lol

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She's in Tulsa to be with Sean, obviously. Why else would she be there?


Native American charities. Half that state belongs to native Americans according to SCOTUS

Why do gay men think that being gay gives them a pass to be misogynistic towards her? Also I know some of them are girls but gay men can be vicious af

As a bisexual man, I can confirm this to be true unfortunately. With me I’m not good enough for either side....

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jeez i'm gay and no one asked, and sorta same for guys too, but personal opinion, I actually like her having a bit more weight? ofc she's beautiful no matter what, her face's quintessential beauty, but when she has a bit more weight on her, her curves? like not to sound like a creepo but the fullness of her figure? it's legit like the birth of venus art painting-esque. n not to say she's healthy or whatever bc who can say but, her figure looks great, sometimes being too skinny doesn't give ya much to hold on to, saying this for guys too. I like it on her, it reminds me of art, and in a more important kind of sense, that she's real? and still human, two cents 


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