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Lana covers Vogue Italia's November Issue

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I went to like 4 different newsstands today (I live in Italy) and they all still don’t have it 😭

Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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Potrei trasformarlo in qualcosa più in stile “southern gothic”, come avrebbe dovuto essere all’inizio, e meno country».


what does lana mean when she said it was a mistranslation 🤔 it wasn’t even translated on the vogue website - if she’s telling the truth they just made it up. 


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I finally got it :party:


here are the inside pages (same text/pics that we’ve seen so far)







Edited by Fireffie
typo/forgot to add one pic

Dying by the hand of a foreign man, Happily
Calling out my name in the summer rain, Ciao amore

13.04.2018 | 04.06.2024


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On 11/2/2024 at 5:25 AM, Honeytrails said:

the fact that she says there's a mistranslation but doesn’t clarify what the mistranslation is :azealia:


THISSSS! I’ve been off LB for a few days and I can’t believe more people aren’t talking about this, unless it’s in the lasso thread or something, haven’t caught up there yet. the Queen of Vague as always. LIKE WHAT WAS MISTRANSLATED?! We all loved the article so much I need to know what part :poordat:

like holy shit, I know mistranslations are common but it just sounded so much like Lana 



ALSO not to be the hundredth person to ask this but do any US babes have a good lead on where to order? My Barnes and noble USED to carry a whole bunch of international vogues but they don’t carry it anymore and I don’t have any newsstand type places near me. I did google it and the best bet is looking like shelling out $30 on amazon from random 3rd party sellers, so I have tried for myself just wondering if anyone has a better website 

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I don’t know if I should buy it or not, it’s not like I can read Italian anyway and the pictures will be online… I think there were 5-7 copies left in the store I checked, everyone had grabbed a copy of Lana’s cover, every other magazine was stocked.

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8 minutes ago, Beautiful Loser said:

I don’t know if I should buy it or not, it’s not like I can read Italian anyway and the pictures will be online… I think there were 5-7 copies left in the store I checked, everyone had grabbed a copy of Lana’s cover, every other magazine was stocked.

BUY IT! It's a beautiful Lana related item to collect :aw:


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1 minute ago, Beautiful Loser said:

But I could buy a Christmas present with that money instead :bebe: or lunch

Eventually it's up to you. Do whatever you think is the best choice for you!


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the magazine is available for purchase here https://papercutshop.se/product/vogue-italia-october-2024/

On 11/11/2024 at 3:30 PM, florida kilos said:

anyone knows where to order the magazine in europe?



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I yearn for this magazine I feel so stupid for not buying it. Imagine if as a coffee table book when I’m in my early 20s in my New York apartment how can I live if not with my Lana del rey vogue Italia magazine. 

if anyone knows where to get it I don’t care about the price I just really don’t wanna buy it off eBay that website freaks me out

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