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I Was An Angel

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Yes! Highly recommend to those who need help falling asleep and/or suffer from anxiety. Helps so much :wub:

Do you own a little red party dress?

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I, in particular, have nothing, but my girlfriend has some Spanish porcelains that belonged to her grandmother.


Do you own an old or retro radio?

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10 minutes ago, The Stargirl Pinky said:

I do not although sometimes it feels like having one for self-dense is necessary these days 

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I don’t actually think I could own one though, I’d probably just move across the ocean if I felt that unsafe :smile:

Do you own a musical instrument?


i do! two violins and somewhere a functioning keyboard even tho i can't play it


do you own any equipment/books for a kind of niche hobby?



sumer is icumen in, lhude sing cuccu

groweþ sed and bloweþ med and springþ þ wde nu

sing cuccu!

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The closest I have to that is a vegan cookbook :thumb3:


Do you own a very rare and financially valuable item that if you sold it you could be set for years or the rest of your life? (Like an original painting by someone famous)

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