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Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir

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And The Kim Drama and Shade continues -


On the subject of complex, modern-day feminist icons, she throws rocks at Courtney Love in the book (“manipulative, egomaniacal”, “mentally ill”) and has some caustic words for Lana Del Rey – a paragraph she says her editor has since softened.


“I mean, is that a persona?” she says today, referencing comments Del Rey made last year about wishing to be dead. “Is that really her, or is she just waving self-destruction like a flag; as a way of marketing herself?” The idea of young musicians romanticising death is predictably offensive to Gordon given the loss of her friend and Sonic Youth tourmate Kurt Cobain.




I love these "feminists" who do nothing other than criticize other women and point out how "inferior" they are and see nothing misogynistic about it. I mean what are Kim Gordon's thoughts on all the sexist male celebrities out there who actively benefit from what they promote? Usually when I see a self-hating woman, yeah I find them annoying as fuck and I really hate being around them, but at the same time I feel sorry for them and realize that they've bought into all the shit that they've been fed by society. Especially when they're doing it out of cluelessness instead of being aware of the fact that they're fucked up and still promoting sexist bullshit (see: all the women on FOX news who talk about how women should stay in the kitchen while ironically having professional jobs on television). Even if what she said about Lana was right, she should realize that Lana isn't doing it because she has an agenda and more because Lana has never thought about these subjects that deeply. I mean Lana herself has said that she's not educated on the subject of feminism.


Also love how she uses "mentally ill" as an insult. Trash ass dipshit.

Edited by brooklynbaby91

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And The Kim Drama and Shade continues -


On the subject of complex, modern-day feminist icons, she throws rocks at Courtney Love in the book (“manipulative, egomaniacal”, “mentally ill”) and has some caustic words for Lana Del Rey – a paragraph she says her editor has since softened.


“I mean, is that a persona?” she says today, referencing comments Del Rey made last year about wishing to be dead. “Is that really her, or is she just waving self-destruction like a flag; as a way of marketing herself?” The idea of young musicians romanticising death is predictably offensive to Gordon given the loss of her friend and Sonic Youth tourmate Kurt Cobain.



Was there a reason to post a ten month old article as news?


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And The Kim Drama and Shade continues -


On the subject of complex, modern-day feminist icons, she throws rocks at Courtney Love in the book (“manipulative, egomaniacal”, “mentally ill”) and has some caustic words for Lana Del Rey – a paragraph she says her editor has since softened.


“I mean, is that a persona?” she says today, referencing comments Del Rey made last year about wishing to be dead. “Is that really her, or is she just waving self-destruction like a flag; as a way of marketing herself?” The idea of young musicians romanticising death is predictably offensive to Gordon given the loss of her friend and Sonic Youth tourmate Kurt Cobain.




bc that would be "marketing", wouldn't it? Mess. Like that would even do anything but make people who are always happy say anything but "how ungrateful" and all this bullshit.

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It's ironic to attack LDR in the age of media constantly pitting women against each other. If Kim Gordon is such an uptight feminist, why isn't she go after the majority of media outlets that wrote Lana off simply because she was a female singer?

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Lmao poor Kim, since the divorce she's been such a mess it's truly a shame. She literaly spent the last 20 years trashing Courtney when she did produce her first record and was very happy to hang around Kurt and her on MTV with Thurston. She's just posing as this "woman in rock when there was none" like the 70s never existed and her video art is a joke. She's finished.

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So did Courteney have Kurt killed or what!???


Yes, she raped him with a 5 m strap-on and then kissed him goodbye in black widow, killer tarantula style. :creep:


Of course not, he was seriously depressed and suicidal before he met that hurricane of a woman (btw. I adore her fearless, shameless, bitchy, nonapologetic attitude and queen-of-white-trash style).


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