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Help Support Lanaboards!

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Hello! So, Keeping this community isn't free, and it isn't possible to make much money from the ads.
"As you know back at the start of April when West Coast first aired we faced two days of downtime. This was because our server wasn't able to cope with the huge load of people trying to access the forum (over 50,000 people trying to access the forum on April 14th) We expect the demand to exceed this when Ultraviolence is finally released and the events leading up to it. We have now agreed with our server provider to allow the server spec to grow automatically when the demand meets exceeds our current specifications." 


This was back in the Ultraviolence era, since then the growth of the forum has skyrocketed. In the month of July alone we're had 750,000 people try and access the site which led to multiple instances of regrettable downtime... So far in August, just under 1 million people have tried to access the forum... The server that we are currently on isn't able to keep up with this demand, and the further demand that the new era will bring.

Because of this we're asking you for a small contribution to help support this place and keep it running. Any and all money that is contributed is funneled strictly towards the monthly server/software bill. Not a single penny is pocketed for personal use. I created Lana Boards because I adore Lana and love being able to create and join in on a place where we can all stay up-to-date on news and socialise with each other. I truly enjoy this place and never desire to make a penny off of running it. The time I put into this place is solely out of passion for music and a strong desire to create a nice space for everyone to interact on.
To keep things completely transparent, I currently pay $950 a year for our forum software and our server. I don't mind picking up some of that tab myself, but just if you enjoy this place, it would help out if you could make a small donation to help pay that bill.
If you have any questions, feel free to send them my way.
You may contribute to the forum by following the Paypal button below. Before completing your contribution, please add your member name in the "special instructions" box on Paypal so I can identify and thank you.
You also get a purple username


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Sent in a small donation (still need money for food for the week) but when I get paid I'll send more!

Love this community, hope I can help :)



EDIT: I forgot where I was for a sec I can blame Lana the fuckin preorders sucked me dry

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this is great! but it doesn't tackle the fundamental problem of lanaboards which is moderation. moderators do not have enough power to effectively do their job here. I don't mean to be shady and bring it up here but every other attempt of a moderator reaching out to you regarding this has been ignored, even attempted monetary negotiations. please tiarnan, we want lanaboards to be able to be a great forum, talk to us :ohno:


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this is great! but it doesn't tackle the fundamental problem of lanaboards which is moderation. moderators do not have enough power to effectively do their job here. I don't mean to be shady and bring it up here but every other attempt of a moderator reaching out to you regarding this has been ignored, even attempted monetary negotiations. please tiarnan, we want lanaboards to be able to be a great forum, talk to us :ohno:

I'm definitely co-signing this. Ata hit the nail on the head on here: it would be AMAZING if we never had any downtime again, but it wouldn't solve the problem of staff being unable to effectively moderate. If I had a nickel for every time I had to reply to a PM with, "I'm sorry, only @@TIARNZUS is able to do this; you'll have to contact him", man, I would be hella rich at this point.


Moderators here are essentially regulated to glorified janitors. We clean up spam, we merge threads, and unfortunately, dole out the odd warning point and remove posting privileges. Menial tasks. We don't have the power to IP ban/delete member accounts, we can't fix the default icon limbo, we can't add sub-forums (i.e., 2014, 2015), we had to abandon Member of the Month because moderators lacked the power to change the sidebar... 


All the power to run the forum effectively is concentrated on you. This centralized power is not good and as a result, the forum is suffering. What adds insult to injury is when we bring up problems and you essentially ignore us and fail to even acknowledge the problems. I don't think other members should be privy to the words in this post (I would have much rather discussed this privately), but you repeatedly ignore PMs, the Staff Chat, and attempts to reach out to you on Facebook. It's just not cool. :(


I know that you rilly love this forum and I know you've put a lot of work into creating a site where we have an amazing community of Lana fans. I'm happy to have made so many new friends and I love the inside jokes, the shade :creep:, and the camaraderie and we all really do owe that all to you! We just want to help you make this amazing forum better, so talk to us Tiarnan! 

you're so art froggo, out on the pond…

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Please Tiarnan, this forum has been getting very out of hand lately and it would be good as new if the moderators held more access over this site. Countless members and moderators have agreed that this situation needs to be addressed. The LanaBoards experience has been a wonderful one for me and hopefully for the rest of the members and staff here. But the luxury of enjoying a beautiful community such as this one is being over shined by countless spam accounts. I see that you put your heart and soul into this website and we are truly blessed someone as kind as you could give us all of this. Seeing as it is your passion to have an amazing forum, wouldn't it be your prime concern to fix a major problem that is downsizing your passion? All we ask for is that moderators be met with the tools they need so we can truly bring this project where it rightfully should be. I beg of you, please don't let this site go to waste. Please.

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I'm sorry that I was only able to give this little but I've been stanning for almost a year now and I think it's meaningful because it's pathetic to recognize it but this forum is one of the best thing that happened to me. Thank you for your site Tiarnzus! Can't wait for my purple name, it's my favourite colour :)


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Donated $5 because I can't be spending a ton right now but I can do what I can :) if I got paid more this past week, I'd have donated a lot more, sorry.


*waits for my purple name/supporters status* :creep:


@@TIARNZUS still not sure, did you get my donation?


if i donate what colour name do i get? i want something special


I'm sorry that I was only able to give this little but I've been stanning for almost a year now and I think it's meaningful because it's pathetic to recognize it but this forum is one of the best thing that happened to me. Thank you for your site Tiarnzus! Can't wait for my purple name, it's my favourite colour :)


I can edit this pic a bit for you guys so it fits more with the theme, if you guys want of course :D




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