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well then maybe if you don't really know what you're talking about, you shouldn't talk without first doing some research, and in fact the community of color is having more job opportunities than the red-haired population, thanks to these times where "politically correct" is the trend, and I clarify, I do not do this to cause more fighting, or anything like that ...

you do actually think redheads are the most oppressed minority.. and here i thought we were having a little jokesy joke together

all my wounds are due to love, to love, love, love

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YES MA, give us that fucking fire and energy for the next record all these clout chasers and hiveminded haters can suck Lana's artistic dick

The new yorker fucking jumped OUT and said she's not playing with children that weren't even there when she came on the scene. Chile we streaming Tropico today x


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i don't see how y'all think it some sort of iconic fresh moment or whatever lmaooo like 2012 Lana would've NEVER said shit like this at ALL.

why didn't she snap like that back in the days when she received the backlash she's only speaking up about now? :creep: she's in her thirties and she's acting like a teenager. it's not cute


"i wish i was dead already"


"youre boring me to death and i'm already dead"




if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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OMG I am dead, you win the internet  :lmao:


#fuckoff ...you little fuckers :brows:



What's completely killing me though are the comments like "so does this mean we get some new slutty songs? Or nah...?"  :sluttybunny:  :teehee:


Never come between a woman and her dream (even if I am kinda confused about what her goal is here??)  :scream:

‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’
~LDR, Flaunt


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i really hope she goes all out now with her music like please lana don't just say all this then write an album as watered down as nfr

i really thought nfr was her saying fuck you to critics saying she only writes about romanticizing abuse and being depressed but it turns out nfr was a social construct of society putting limitations on her art i need something rebellious from her now

i love you, but you don't understand me.

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I wish I could hypothesize that this was some promotion tactic, but we all know Lana doesn’t give a fuck about promotion and Ben and Ed aren’t smart enough to think of that, sooo...

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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I get both sides, how it can b misconstrued, but she literally explained her reasoning when she didnt have to. Things can't always be about what ur focused on, sometimes being able to say what u'd like to say, is very much needed. Having someone express their genuine thoughts and having that morphed into something w/o having consideration of whats truly being said is INSANE. What about the people who can't speak up bc they're afraid of being in one category or the other? Pain doesnt discriminate, and it's even worse having to deal w it alone, in fear of further being ridiculed.

She literally put out two safer albums, took a lot into consideration, tried playing the game and was paid DUST. All bc her image was something of an outlier and it wasn't serving concepts in a way that people would've liked.


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well then maybe if you don't really know what you're talking about, you shouldn't talk without first doing some research, and in fact the community of color is having more job opportunities than the red-haired population, thanks to these times where "politically correct" is the trend, and I clarify, I do not do this to cause more fighting, or anything like that ...


finally someone said it! we need more attention on the systematic oppression that red-heads face. red hair lives matter  :flop:


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well then maybe if you don't really know what you're talking about, you shouldn't talk without first doing some research, and in fact the community of color is having more job opportunities than the red-haired population, thanks to these times where "politically correct" is the trend, and I clarify, I do not do this to cause more fighting, or anything like that ...

Oh my god shut the fuck up

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btw if she's so racist, why is she giving money to the native americans????


people don't read the whole post lmaoooooo


if i fuck this model and she just bleached her asshole and i get bleach on my t-shirt, imma feel like an asshole

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