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serious note too I'm starting to get fucking worried for her this is coming off as destructive where the fuck is her sister Chuck


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Are you going to contribute anything of substance, or just keep letting us all know how you're too above this discussion? Because the latter is lame as fuck.



Yeah babe I’m gonna continue to do what I want bc I live in a free country, bye bye now


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well. usually isn't it that 007's a spy and he has tirades w amazing women, and they're usually just used as eye candy to support his main story? 



Yep... Sean Connery best played the 007 role as the James Bond "gentleman gigolo spy"   :teehee:


"Thunderball" was a cool film.   Pure 1965 classic vintage.


Probably Lana would like to re-live that era?

Maybe her next record will feature some 1965-style vintage songs ?



I actually downloaded this Trailer a few weeks ago to make a mini-film-Gif featuring Lana Del Rey with Sean Connery  :)   - Lana the "Bond_Girl"

We are both thinking along the same ideas now !


So I am intrigued why she has just posted that picture now.


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lana told someone in the gc that they should feel ashamed of themselves

she just followed someone....lets get the detectives in



if i managed to connect the dots correctly she followed yet another "yes-stan" so this won't go down well in the long run...

i wrote my previous post before i saw that she's fighting her own stans.. she's obviosuly not well and in a really bad place right now sad she can't see that everything she's doing will just hurt her even more, she's really in some deep downwards spiral atm.


i honestly don't know what to think about her, you can get your kiis from this situation but this is all sorts of stupid and terrible for everyone involved.


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This shit storm just doesn’t make sense, like what the fuck happened ? This came out of fucking nowhere, after releasing her most acclaimed work. I don’t get it.

This^ Like the timing of this just feels so random. Critics for the most part have been super receptive of her for the past few years. I wonder what set her off. 

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Quarantine is not a good time for Lana. At all. All this alone time....she has too much time to think and reflect. She’s literally said that her friends help her get through everything and she can’t see anyone or do anything. Don’t come for me please, but I feel bad for her.

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