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Art Deco has never been about azealia banks, Lana said this herself and it doesn't fit at all... On Honeymoon, one of her more personal, melancholic, and introspective albums y'all really think that she wrote a vague track about azealia banks for no reason? i really don't get why y'all still think this..


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I am so here for this. I love it when people are surprised at Lana snapping.


This is so hilariously passive aggressive I'm w h e e z i n g what was the point of shooting the pic in nomakeup and laid down if it's to promote a madeup version of it I AM

Maybe she realises Chuck just doesn't get her at her best

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Art Deco has never been about azealia banks, Lana said this herself and it doesn't fit at all... On Honeymoon, one of her more personal, melancholic, and introspective albums y'all really think that she wrote a vague track about azealia banks for no reason? i really don't get why y'all still think this..

I don't know Banks AT ALL so I rly can't speak in terms of her career but it's been welllll established that Lana is the branded queen of pettiness, it could have been something ridiculously small happening in the wrong place and time that got her all worked up and boom you get a song. We don't know what happened behind the covers but I do think Lana hardcore tried to stay out of drama and controversy at the time - bc precisely it's so personal - so she denied it. Again I don't know Banks but I honestly believe it's about her. Only Lana knows


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why does azealia bring up plastic surgery when her tits are just literal mounds of bolted on silicone


i love them both in different ways so i’m fucking cackling



they are both visionaries, too bad azealia let's her big mouth and perfectionism get in the way

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i'm not making fun of people with autism but is azealia banks on the spectrum? like she doesn't know boundaries you know? I am convinced she has something. besides not having a filter i mean i hope other people dont think like her so maybe she is just crazy  :ohno:


I agree.. the fact that she uses the" OmGz im DomINCan.. haha u know how crazy we laTiNaZ are UwU" excuse is so ugly.. like yes Hispanic women are hard sometimes but theyre not brain dead.. come on...




so this girl is now texting Kanye for his approval im…



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Art Deco has never been about azealia banks, Lana said this herself and it doesn't fit at all... On Honeymoon, one of her more personal, melancholic, and introspective albums y'all really think that she wrote a vague track about azealia banks for no reason? i really don't get why y'all still think this..

Who care if it's about her or not but some parts of the lyrics do apply and it would make azealia mad again


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Just deleted Anna Wintour from my iTunes Library! It feels so good. <3


Can't believe I liked a song made by this pathetic ugly ass bitch.


btw, those az*alia's supporters must be not respecting/loving themselves, praying for them :/

"ser bella me dio privilegios, pero ser astuta me dio poder"  :makeup:

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if anyone's curious as to what azealia said, here's what's most recent: 



I know that she said once before that she used to love Lana but Lana wouldn't work with her because of Azealia's image (rightfully so). Anyway I'm glad Lana's standing up for herself. Its what she deserves!



That too but it escalated today because Banks called Lana fat on twitter. It started with this tweet


She posted a picture of Lana and said this - 


"Let’s talk about arm workouts today!! Example : This is an example of an aging white woman who got work done on her face, and none done on her body (where she needed it most) Let’s walk her through some upper arm workout! #CHEAPYXOTIPS

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I thought she was Ms. World Peace nowadays. Can she ever be consistent with what she preaches. :lmao:



But did you see what Banks said to Lana first? I'm happy Lana is standing up for herself. Banks called her fat and other stuff I'm not vulgar enough to repeat. There's only so much bullshit a person can take especially when you have been nothing but nice to that person.

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This is so absurdly violent and vile that it's somehow funny like the concept? Of all ppl can you imagine LANA doing this?? It almost sounds like asmr




This is the most disgusting thing I have ever read on twitter. 


Lana was so nice to you and this is how you treat the only friend you had in the business? 

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Azealia posted a long ass story on Instagram about Lana. She’s fucking obsessed. She just won’t stop. And, she’s racist.

The Log Lady [to Laura]: “When this kind of fire starts, it is 
very hard to put out. The tender boughs of innocence burn first, and the wind rises, and then all goodness is in jeopardy.”

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