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Eurovision Song Contest

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This contest is a joke. No credibility at all. It's all about politics, and obviously Ukraine was going to play the victim, as usual. Russia didn't withdraw, they were not allowed to enter, which is different.


"The Ukrainian Security Service banned wheelchair bound Samoylova from entering the country for three years over her performance in Crimea in 2015 which Kiev deemed illegal."


The majority of people in Crimea are of Russian origin. They had a referendum and they chose to re-join Russia. They've been part of Ukraine only since 1954. The western media are making a big tragedy out of this, making it look as if people there are unhappy about being part of Russia.


The only ones who are unhappy about this are Ukraine (for losing territory) and NATO for losing a very strategic area where to position their troops and weapons aiming at Russia.

um :awkney:

sure they 'chose' to re-join russia, russia obviously had no saying in this.

also half my family living in fear because of the Invasion from russia and now living in poverty because the economy completly went to shit is also just western propaganda. :smokes3:


god i hate stupid people who trying to look smart.

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This contest is a joke. No credibility at all. It's all about politics, and obviously Ukraine was going to play the victim, as usual. Russia didn't withdraw, they were not allowed to enter, which is different.


"The Ukrainian Security Service banned wheelchair bound Samoylova from entering the country for three years over her performance in Crimea in 2015 which Kiev deemed illegal."


The majority of people in Crimea are of Russian origin. They had a referendum and they chose to re-join Russia. They've been part of Ukraine only since 1954. The western media are making a big tragedy out of this, making it look as if people there are unhappy about being part of Russia.


The only ones who are unhappy about this are Ukraine (for losing territory) and NATO for losing a very strategic area where to position their troops and weapons aiming at Russia.

are you russian or why are you this pressed?


According to the Rules foreigners/stateless persons may enter and exit Crimea through special control check-points  (for automobile transport – Kalanchak, Chaplynka, Chongar; for a railway transport – Kherson, Melitopol, Vadym, Novooleksiivka) upon their passports and provided they have been issued with a special permit.

Violations of the Rules will lead to legal consequences and those responsible will face restrictions according to the Ukrainian legislation including the ban on entry into Ukraine.


This law has been approved by the Ukrainian Government in 2015. The Russian delegation knew about it and they could have easily send a candidate that hasn't performed in crimea during the russian annexation of the peninsula especially since the Russian acts aren't chosen via televote but picked by the russian eurovision deligation.

This isn't even about politics at this point this was well known and Russia still send someone who they knew wouldn't be allowed to enter the country. Amy Winehouse wasn't allowed to the grammys bc she didn't get a visa, a similar thing happened to some actor too. 

Nevertheless this is one of the main reasons why the EBU is pushing all the western countries by placing them on good spots during the running order so there won't be any political debates next year.


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I never like my country's songs (Portugal) because they literally are horrible.

Suzy's was... TRAGIC. But I really like Salvador's and I really hope we win  :creep:

És português?

Afinal, há mais portugueses aqui do que eu pensava  :smile2:



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um :awkney:

sure they 'chose' to re-join russia, russia obviously had no saying in this.

also half my family living in fear because of the Invasion from russia and now living in poverty because the economy completly went to shit is also just western propaganda. :smokes3:


god i hate stupid people who trying to look smart.


I didn't say it to "look smart". I'm just stating the facts. People who are being spoon-fed fake news by CNN and such are going to be brainwashed and not see the truth... and last time I checked Russia had not "invaded" any other country for a very long time.

If you care about animals, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8

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I didn't say it to "look smart". I'm just stating the facts. People who are being spoon-fed fake news by CNN and such are going to be brainwashed and not see the truth... and last time I checked Russia had not "invaded" any other country for a very long time.

first of all i'm not american so there's no CNN here :awkney:

second, my goddamn FAMILY lives there, so i get it firsthand, the hell would u know?


i can't with the stupidity :oprah2: :bye:

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are you russian or why are you this pressed?


According to the Rules foreigners/stateless persons may enter and exit Crimea through special control check-points  (for automobile transport – Kalanchak, Chaplynka, Chongar; for a railway transport – Kherson, Melitopol, Vadym, Novooleksiivka) upon their passports and provided they have been issued with a special permit.

Violations of the Rules will lead to legal consequences and those responsible will face restrictions according to the Ukrainian legislation including the ban on entry into Ukraine.


This law has been approved by the Ukrainian Government in 2015. The Russian delegation knew about it and they could have easily send a candidate that hasn't performed in crimea during the russian annexation of the peninsula especially since the Russian acts aren't chosen via televote but picked by the russian eurovision deligation.

This isn't even about politics at this point this was well known and Russia still send someone who they knew wouldn't be allowed to enter the country. Amy Winehouse wasn't allowed to the grammys bc she didn't get a visa, a similar thing happened to some actor too. 

Nevertheless this is one of the main reasons why the EBU is pushing all the western countries by placing them on good spots during the running order so there won't be any political debates next year.


I'm not Russian and I'm not pressed either. Just saying one of the many reasons why this contest is a joke. I don't see the point in what you're saying. Why would Russia jeopardise their chances if they knew their entry would be disqualified?

first of all i'm not american so there's no CNN here :awkney:

second, my goddamn FAMILY lives there, so i get it firsthand, the hell would u know?


i can't with the stupidity :oprah2: :bye:


Yes, right. Your family lives in Crimea and I'm Snow White. I know a fair amount because I check different sources from both sides.

If you care about animals, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8

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I'm not Russian and I'm not pressed either. Just saying one of the many reasons why this contest is a joke. I don't see the point in what you're saying. Why would Russia jeopardise their chances if they knew their entry would be disqualified?


Yes, right. Your family lives in Crimea and I'm Snow White. I know a fair amount because I check different sources from both sides.

not in crimea, in the ukraine, odessa to percise, look at the map to see where it is :awkney:


i'm laughing so hard right now, tell me hun are you american? :eartha: :flutter:

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not in crimea, in the ukraine, odessa to percise, look at the map to see where it is :awkney:


i'm laughing so hard right now, tell me hun are you american? :eartha: :flutter:


Wow, that explains it all. Your family DOES NOT live in Crimea, then. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is a different issue. People in Crimea VOTED to re-join Russia. That IS NOT an invasion. Lastly, I know where Odessa, Crimea and Ukraine are. I have always loved geography.

If you care about animals, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8

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This contest is a joke. No credibility at all. It's all about politics, and obviously Ukraine was going to play the victim, as usual. Russia didn't withdraw, they were not allowed to enter, which is different.


"The Ukrainian Security Service banned wheelchair bound Samoylova from entering the country for three years over her performance in Crimea in 2015 which Kiev deemed illegal."


The majority of people in Crimea are of Russian origin. They had a referendum and they chose to re-join Russia. They've been part of Ukraine only since 1954. The western media are making a big tragedy out of this, making it look as if people there are unhappy about being part of Russia.


The only ones who are unhappy about this are Ukraine (for losing territory) and NATO for losing a very strategic area where to position their troops and weapons aiming at Russia.

  :facepalm:  There is only one reason why Putin invaded Crimea--Sevastopol. Anyone who tries to paint it as a just move by Putin to save oppressed Russians is delusional. Annexing a part of another sovereign state to "save" an ethnic minority is the tactic of despots.

EDIT: Referendums following a forced military takeover are not legitimate.

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Wow, that explains it all. Your family DOES NOT live in Crimea, then. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia is a different issue. People in Crimea VOTED to re-join Russia. That IS NOT an invasion. Lastly, I know where Odessa, Crimea and Ukraine are. I have always loved geography.



so i'm done discussing with stupid people :bye2:

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Fake news much? I also don't see the point in trying to make the blind see the truth. That article is so biased is laughable.

If you care about animals, please watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5hGQDLprA8

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This contest is a joke. No credibility at all. It's all about politics, and obviously Ukraine was going to play the victim, as usual. Russia didn't withdraw, they were not allowed to enter, which is different.


"The Ukrainian Security Service banned wheelchair bound Samoylova from entering the country for three years over her performance in Crimea in 2015 which Kiev deemed illegal."


The majority of people in Crimea are of Russian origin. They had a referendum and they chose to re-join Russia. They've been part of Ukraine only since 1954. The western media are making a big tragedy out of this, making it look as if people there are unhappy about being part of Russia.


The only ones who are unhappy about this are Ukraine (for losing territory) and NATO for losing a very strategic area where to position their troops and weapons aiming at Russia.


I didn't say it to "look smart". I'm just stating the facts. People who are being spoon-fed fake news by CNN and such are going to be brainwashed and not see the truth... and last time I checked Russia had not "invaded" any other country for a very long time.


Fake news much? I also don't see the point in trying to make the blind see the truth. That article is so biased is laughable.

You sound like Donnie.  :hillary:


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you better revoke this statement since lucie is actually in the press predictions for the top 10 and will land some pretty good jury votes with these vocals and one of the best stagings this year. It wouldn't be surprising if she scored a spot on the left side tonight.


My favourites this year are Portugal, France, Azerbaijan, Latvia (which didn't make it and was robbed), Finland (also robbed at the semi), Belarus (it's cute) the UK. I'd be fine any of the three favourites Portugal, Italy and Bulgaria winning though because they all deserve it.

Croatia is the worst entry though, it's even worse than Germany but i'm afraid some mums will vote for it because they think it's talent. 


Ooh I hope she does well! She was a contestant on UK X Factor a while back and was one of my faves! 


But every year I think the UK is gonna do better and then I get disappointed  :toofunny:

giphy.gif ldrclashsmall3.png


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