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East Side - Early songs CD printable concept

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I already posted it galore but I bought some soft boxes, took good pics and thought I could present it to you in a more official way!
This simple concept design regroups four songs that are supposed or known to date from before 2007: Fordham Road, Methamphetamines, Money Hunny and Your Band Is All The Rage, in a tribute to New York. It uses only two colours: soft black (C30M30Y30K100), and yellow (C0M0Y100K0). The fonts are Alegreya by Juan Pablo del Peral (Google font), Deutsh Gotisch by Dieter Steffmann (available for free commercially), and Helvetica Neue by D. Stempel AG. The images are in duotone and halftone and represent my vision of the concept: these four songs have a very strong New York feel to me, and images of the bay, Coney Island and big empty avenues come to my mind when I listen to them. The statue is the one in Fordham University. I wanted to visually represent the lowfi grunginess you can find in the Lizzie songs and the videos, all while keeping the general feel very crisp and elegant. The gothic font has the purpose of linking even more to the New York history. Using these polaroids by Chuck as the cover and insert seemed a perfect fit, especially since they are two of my favourite Lana photos of all time. It is also a rework of my very first thing I've done on Photoshop, which was this concept, but really ugly :) And last thing I much prefer Lizzie to Lizzy so don't @ me!





If you want to download this project for free to print it yourself, you can do it here

And if you want to make me really happy, please give me a view on Behance!


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