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Everything posted by itskor

  1. itskor

    Charli XCX

    get it over with, release HBHG
  2. itskor

    Charli XCX

    theres something off about that fan made vs the live recording of HBHG, and i cant put my finger on it... I just want the studio to leak
  3. itskor


    reverse and stop is a bopppp makeover nextttt D:
  4. itskor


    to add to my wishlist I want the new good thing going on to leak in full.... thank you in advance leaker <3
  5. itskor

    Charli XCX

    because HBHG NEEDS TO LEAK. so.
  6. itskor


    it has to be coming, if all these songs are leaking? either that. or its scrapped and people in the know, know? idk
  7. itskor


    id love to see it as-well
  8. itskor


    makeover would make my life. and its crazy that the HAIM song is my fave. its so good? WTF
  9. itskor

    Charli XCX

    waiting for HBHG
  10. itskor


    omg its actually good, would love a real ID
  11. itskor

    Charli XCX

    a user on ATRL said " apparently Hey Boy Hey Girl is spreading too
  12. itskor

    Charli XCX

    is it true HBHG is floating out there???
  13. itskor

    Katy Perry

    i actually like it...
  14. itskor


    all I want is HBHG
  15. itskor

    Charli XCX

    Can someone link me to all the versions on Pop the Balloons we have?
  16. itskor

    Charli XCX

    so this is it? we got HQ Taxi? wow. Now all we need is HBHG
  17. itskor

    Charli XCX

    So can hey boy hey girl leak now?
  18. itskor

    Charli XCX

    Hey Boy Hey Girl next. That could end all her leaks tbh.
  19. itskor

    Lady Gaga

    is it confirmed that love me right is SOPHIE?
  20. itskor

    Lady Gaga

    Are we gonna get the Babylon demo?
  21. itskor

    Lady Gaga

    I totally agree about the Free Woman demo I miss the, "I want to be be be free free free forever baby" part
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