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About Nasia

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  1. Hard to believe two educated people can rip you apart with words? Is that so hard for you to understand? Well, sorry if we haven't dumbed down the English language as terribly as you and your other goons have. Also, next time you want to spread a rumor, at least come up with believable evidence. Not 'credible quotes'. Moron. Bye.
  2. Lol 'special'. Not in the sense that you might be thinking of. Your life story isn't necessary. You went to meet her sure, but everything else? You fabricated. And the proof is obvious. Suddenly, you're special enough to get a unique answer about LIB? Very hard to believe. And nothing's happened for your benefit so you should quit on defending yourself. We're going in circles.
  3. Oh my god you are literally autism. Nothing you say makes any sense or contributes to the conversation. Sad.
  4. Because you post fake shit about her on the internet? Yeah, I know.
  5. Hey, look. Another fool who believes in lies. I'm a separate account. I can defend my own self. And it's not harassment if we're both blatantly responding back to each other. It's not like I'm spamming her with insults. Then again, for some reason, the majority of you all think @@osnapitzjer and I are one person. Ridiculous.
  6. I haven't even insulted you yet lol Actually, I haven't really said anything that wasn't factual. They can ban me if they like but the truth is already out there.
  7. Your two cents is really not needed. Please exit stage left.
  8. Wow, such a wonderful addition to this thread. Please, add more of your glorious insight.
  9. I'm pissed off because my friend is being penalized for calling out a fraud. Plain and simple. I wouldn't make two accounts to double shit on you. That's easy enough to do it on my own. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But I'm pretty sure the end result will be as expected.
  10. I mean, it kinda is a problem you have to deal with when the single never comes out and you're called out for being a liar, AGAIN. But that's none of my business. For attention. It literally wouldn't be the first time someone has fabricated a story. How can this even be a debate when your evidence is shitty? Ha, try again.
  11. Lol I only made this account to point out a fraud. It doesn't matter if you went to the event because you could so easily make up the conversation with her. Did you record it? I'm pretty sure you didn't. Congrats on meeting her- but that doesn't prove anything except you're using that as an excuse to 'speak the facts'. This was only brought back because not a single thing has happened, unlike what you've claimed.
  12. If you people honestly believe that this phony is saying the truth then you are all assholes. The post doesn't even SOUND like Lana. It's fake, and just another attempt from some low life 'fan' to gain attention. LIB hasn't been released because it will not be released. She probably doesn't even have the rights to the song anymore.
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