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  1. Past hour
  2. HUH... I rlly hope ur being sarcastic for Lasso sake
  3. The mocking of the last supper was also a bit disrespectful tbh
  4. is that person who was on your phone in the room with us?
  5. Then it will prove Lana's picsart queen skills even more!
  6. since it is predominantly a music radio station what are the chances that they just play a few lana songs and she doesn’t show
  7. Halsey: “Can i use Lucky?” Britney: “Yes” Halsey: *Uses Lucky* Britney: “I’m gonna sue you” Halsey: Britney: “Nevermind it wasn’t me that said that” The human race:
  8. when this isn’t a joke and it’s the actual cover then what…
  9. Yesterday
  10. i hope they don't but if they do it's our right as fans to not support the proyect unless is a quality product
  11. I'm very worried they will announce an awful biopic at this event starring James Franco or smth They already went after Amy they need to leave Jeff alone
  12. Listening to Eternal Sunshine, Doesn’t Supernatural sound like Allie X’s Science?
  13. They built me up three hundred feet tall just to tear me down So I'm leavin' with nothing but ai covers, and the other woman, arcadia
  14. TrashMagiq

    Charli XCX

    This kinda reminds me of that guy that smeared shit on the brat wall cause he thought charli was copying him (but a more tame and less deranged version). Anyways, I always think it’s funny when someone delusionally flatters themselves by claiming they’re the inspiration behind something successful
  15. Literally There is no way it is an interview because WHY would they ever want Lana to do it lmao, she is literally the worst public speaker I have ever seen, she just says whatever with no true purpose lmao Love her tho and I will tune in and watch her talk about a glass ship that wants to be in Alabama
  16. https://x.com/britneyspears/status/1816978633980018720?s=46 Okay what?
  17. I really hope this situation goes well for Halsey
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