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About ldrzodiac

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  1. Oooh interesting I wonder why she’s randomly releasing a jacket lmao 💀💀
  2. Hotshot2am feeding us again. Thanks our saviour 🙏🙏 idec it’s just clothing items at least we’re getting fed 🍽️🍽️
  3. My whole family are Liverpool supporters and I will DEFINITELY be going to see Lana if she performs at Anfield!!!!
  4. YEE HAW 🤠🤠🤠🤠🐎🐎🐎🐎
  5. Guys I think we’re most probs closer than we think to news on Lasso If we lower our expectations a bit then it will be much more enjoyable when she does release something I think!
  6. Guys… if she’s just doing the album photoshoot now (theorising), how long is the usual gap between the photoshoot and the lead single or album announcement coz idrk when the photoshoots are done usually
  7. Guys imagine @JinnWithin was correct and Lana’s dropping that fragrance brand this month
  8. 💀💀💀 I mean Lana hasn’t acknowledged any of these remixes so I’m praying these aren’t the 2 singles she was talking bout 🤞🤞
  9. Lana is such a sweet soul omg I just love her so much 🫶🫶🫶
  10. Tough - Gravagerz Remix Midnight Local Time - 11/10
  11. This is what I mean!!! If she wouldn’t have said anything about Lasso, I wouldn’t care! But it’s annoying how we always get false hope. I’m seated and I’m ready for her to release it when she wants, people are right she isn’t a robot she’s got a lot going on atm, BUT… instead of leaving us hanging she just needs to release a quick lil statement or insta update to tell us wtf is going on 😭😭 + films & tv shows I forget how much I love Gaga sometimes she’s such a qween
  12. I just hope we get some news this month!! I’m praying for a single this month and I think it’s possible but I just want Lana to come forward and give us some info for now
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