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The Stargirl Pinky

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About The Stargirl Pinky

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    Working Brofessional

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  1. Booty Judge can get it I think he and his partner are so cute lmaooo idk anything about Beshear but I thought I heard he was not moving forward? Idk how reliable that is tho I think there are just so many moving parts and unknowns atp
  2. I personally love women’s indoor volleyball idc why but I always have
  3. When hotshot is gagged from a literal gag order by Ben’s team to stop revealing insider info
  4. This is so beautiful Lana if you’re still doing Lasso make something in this flavor
  5. Tbh I wish I didn’t get it either. You’re talking about how absurd this situation is from a rational perspective, but the way people think here isn’t rational at all. I’d say a majority of gun bearers want them because it’s their CoNsTiTuTiOnAl RiGhT which I think is completely bananas despite being a citizen of the US for awhile now. I’ve had so much time to get used to this concept and yet I don’t think I ever will
  6. My only two serious cents on this entire topic are basically we would have been fucked today or we will be fucked when he does kick the bucket for whatever reason (natural or not). I think you’re right that the right would have used this as an attack on Democracy, but then again if a Chick Fil A closes somewhere they’ll see that as an attack on Christianity too DKDKDJ. The point is his voter base is so unhinged that if and when something happens to trumplet they’ll cry war and shit will hit the fan blaming everyone who is anti-trump. And the worst part of it all is that trump himself is completely responsible for enabling these stupid ass country hicks, neonazis, fundamentalists, alt right nationalists, etc. He brought out the worst in people and has normalized domestic terrorism by calling on his supporters, threatening violence if he does not get his way (his way primarily meaning keeping him in power, which goes hand in hand with his inherently racist, misogynist, homophobic agenda). I also think it’s very premature to really say anything about how the outcome of the election will go, especially if the Democrats can get their act together with this Biden nomination situation. The average American has such a short attention span that we’ll move on from this story the millisecond Katy Perry’s comeback ends up flopping harder than ever
  7. InSiDeRs in the Lasso thread like “GFSADT good luck ✌️”
  8. THIS IS SO UNFAIR IT’S SO GOOD Lana x Mazzy Star what the fuckkkkkk
  9. Glad to see reason and sanity has entered the chat
  10. I would love to hear the entire melody pass
  11. L34k1ng half baked lyrics riddled with question marks and uncertainty next to DIY snippets we need to put together to get the full song in baked potato quality I cannot imagine this is what our forefather @TIARNZUS would have wanted
  12. I’ve decided we are the same person our priorities are in order Hey Blue Baby WHO it’s LOTGC’s hour to shine let’s go
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