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About rocknrollgroupie

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    venice beach
  • Interests
    LDR, pop culture, fashion, geopolitics.
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  1. https://x.com/acostamzk/status/1816231376334496058?s=46&t=k5L2PWAaZBG7FCB0IvkbCg This guy from Argentina announces concerts in Latam https://x.com/pinsider_/status/1816211399137452394?s=46&t=k5L2PWAaZBG7FCB0IvkbCg This account is not reliable but coincidentally posted this today as well…
  2. https://www.instagram.com/p/C9SpVfeOlmj/?igsh=cXUzMHNlMTc2c3Jz Can’t find in which website these were originally posted but she looks so good!
  3. When lasso features Clayton, Nikki and Jelly Roll
  4. Did anyone understand what she said when the fan asked if she’s doing Corona Capital in Mexico?
  5. SEE you just have to find ur own path wherever it takes you!
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