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About ionut

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday August 8

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  1. Past, present, future I see in you Past, present, future I see in you (x93710)
  2. omg @hotshot2am can you confirm? EDIT WAIT THIS IS THE PERSON THAT LEAKED TOUGH COVER WE WON
  3. i cant explain in words how much i love this album lust for life, you will always be famous
  4. how didn’t one single person behind him get hit by anything with all those supposed shots?😭
  5. this diva right here. hope she stays blonde for the next 500 years
  6. ionut

    Song vs. Song

    body electric vs living legend
  7. ionut

    Katy Perry

    i was just thinking of it https://x.com/magdaleneperrys/status/1624481109030338561?s=46
  8. ionut

    Katy Perry

    anyway stream JOYRIDE
  9. when pawn shop blues is on lasso..
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