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About X8vinylScratchX

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    Disappear in Every Way
  • Birthday 12/28/2001

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  1. In order for Lasso to go big on the charts Lana needs to bring out the heavy hitters. Like a posthumous feature from AI XXXTENTACION 😍. It would go huge on TikTok Manifest
  2. Kamala needs better PR than Clinton had in 2016. Attempting to girl boss your way into the office by getting people to pokemon go to the polls was NOT an efficient strategy to beat Trump. Keep in mind, the camps are set. Trump supporters will never vote Kamala and Kamala supporters will never vote Trump. At this point the election is swayed by the few million or so undecided people in swing states mainly. Kamala needs to find a way to appeal to those people more than Trump.
  3. X8vinylScratchX

    Song vs. Song

    Without You vs Dark Paradise
  4. 30 people here lol September 30th at 11:59pm this thread will have 100 users speculating a last minute release
  5. Just watch @StraightMale be a butch lesbian or overtly flamboyant twink
  6. Charisma, yes. Trump is a great speaker who can get a crowd motivated. But the man lies out his ass and his policies are so far out that that they only really appeal to the far right. With the current landscape of politics being a fashion show where the most clout centered and "viral" candidate seems to win undecided votes that make the election, I do think Trump has a higher chance to win. Especially considering that the Democrats ran a zombie and only waited till now to drop him out. I don't see Kamala uniting the undecided voters as Trump gained lots of sympathy as of late and is probably going to continue to ride that high.
  7. If politics is all showmanship now, Democrats need to do something bombastic to gain viral support since the facts obviously don’t matter anymore. They should run Mr Beast or something
  8. I think it’s bad either way I feel like they’re damned if they do damned if they don’t
  9. Crazy, i feel like i’ve never actually seen Biden supporters before. There’s people who will vote blue no matter who, but actual Biden supporters is a first.
  10. At this point i don’t think Kamala will girl boss her way into the oval office because Trump has gained so much sympathy as of late, but maybe thats wrong.
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