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venice biotch

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About venice biotch

  • Rank
    nectar of the gods
  • Birthday December 31

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  1. [leak] the cover for the lead single called lasso comes out july 30!
  2. this thread reminded me that i started reading a book.. a month ago, i read 13 pages and tossed it on the shelf. my goal was to read atleast 3 books through summer, welll thats not gonna happen
  3. I was mid writing "i have no idea what she meant by heaven being a tunnel lined with yellow lights" and it got me, driving through a tunnel lined with yellow lights is like heaven, such a cool feeling, she was smart for that, and if this isnt the meaning, i dont know what is, this is my interpretation
  4. venice biotch


    i never listened to her but sexy to someone popped up on my spotify page and i love it sm
  5. venice biotch


    how there wasnt a thread for this yet?? lol so i was playing roblox total drama and right of the bat when the game started nolan bitch told me to shut up when i just said 'who' to know what character i got. omg then he started saying that im dumb and sending him threats in personal message (calling his mom a slut and wishing him death) bro i was so mad and said that i didnt do anything like this, so he turned all the 15 members into caling me a pig, moron, idiot, gen bitting the curb in 4k. YOU FUCKER YOU GO BITE THE CURB AVA AND NOLAN AND STACY BITTING THE CURB IN 4K they kept calling me a loser and stuff so i said some nice things to them and left. why are people so fucking dumb FUCK YOU NOLAN AND AVA bang bang kiss kiss share your stories and argues with dumb people, discuss.
  6. im gonna catch u with my lasso and choke u to death because im so blue
  7. venice biotch


    true and crack baby or pearl diver
  8. venice biotch

    Taylor Swift

    yeah me too but i just posted it for the other fans <3 its 50 % acrylic yarn and 50 % polyester? no, thank you, and i dont have 70 dollars
  9. What if henry is coming home baby? WHAT IF ITS JUST HENRY, but ill be happy anyways
  10. venice biotch

    Song vs. Song

    gods and monsters vs million dollar man
  11. yk cause americans have mm/dd/yy and not americans have dd/mm/yy, so 9/8 would be ninth of august for non americans but for americans it would be eighth of september, hope that makes sense
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