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About Mer

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  • Birthday June 15

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  1. Former President Obama has endorsed Kamala Harris: https://x.com/barackobama/status/1816760809193677069?s=46
  2. When November comes around and you’re banned, I will credit these types of posts.
  3. lol the FBI Director saying that he has doubts Trump was actually grazed and not just hit by shrapnel https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/fbi-doubt-trump-assassination-christopher-wray-b2585665.html?utm_source=reddit.com
  4. Picture it, it’s Friday September 31st and Lasso is finally out so you click play and the album starts with a gunshot and the sound of galloping horses before a dark guitar riff comes in and Lana sings the opening lines:
  5. Lasso like a noose around my neck, as I wonder, “Has anyone else died for you?” the 10th studio album from Lana Del Rey
  6. maybe they’re really mobilizing to start the era with a top 30 hit by selling 7inch singles?
  7. I love the way this site can go from 0-100 in under 6 seconds Visual album coming September 13th, 15 weeks at no. 1
  8. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    I don’t want a cardigan I want a repress of all the original variants.
  9. For me, the idea that in 2024 the Democrats can mobilize a coalition that can outweigh, outrank, and outvote the white men who decide the Rust Belt’s electoral votes seems like a daunting task. I’m not saying I don’t believe she can do it, I just think there’s no room for error. HRC was sloppy in her campaign, largely bc she assumed the losses in the minority vote (compared to Obama) would be offset by white women, and that ultimately led to her losing by a razor thing margin. She spent the last week of her campaign in Arizona, which would’ve been a “nice to have state” instead of Pennsylvania or Florida, which were “need to haves”. Harris can’t make those same mistakes, and to her credit, I don’t see her doing so.
  10. But in all seriousness, this is gonna be a fight for Kamala and anyone who doesn’t want Trump in office again. She’s not guaranteed a win at all, and that is hugely important to remember. There’s no room for complacency amongst her, her staff, or Americans who don’t think a wanna-be dictator with nothing left to lose makes a stellar US President. In a way, my feeling ATM is that a Harris presidency is almost “too good to be true”
  11. Additionally, it wouldn’t be “FDR-ing” her into the Presidency it would be “Truman-ing” her into the Presidency. Which any wannabe pundit should at least get right.
  12. Far too soon to say who's won (or even who is winning). Kamala just raised $100 million in largely grassroots donations. The party has banded behind her. And all the attention is on her. Keep in mind, no polls have yet been conducted with Kamala as the main choice for the Democrats (all of them were in the context of all in which you came Biden still being the presumptive nominee). Only a fool and a contrarian would want to claim this election is decided one way or another.
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