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Deadly Nightshade

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About Deadly Nightshade

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    Crying on the balcony
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  1. Hmm interesting, he looked like a really good match to me especially taking into consideration his popularity and his progressive views in a traditionally red state
  2. Do we think there is a chance fot Kentucky’s governor as well for VP? Saw that he was one of the most popular governors in the country
  3. I never understood why people try to make others feel embarrassed for liking something that they do not personally enjoy
  4. the curse of covid strikes again , as with trump during the elections of 2020 ( joking lmao ) after the RNC and seeing how unhinged and cult-like most of trump's supporters acted i'm hoping that with Joe Biden stepping down there are more chances for the democrats to win now
  5. I love his music ! I totally agree with what you said, he seems really talented and I think he has a bright future ahead of him Watched him live in February and I have to admit that he has a really good stage presence as well
  6. The photo of him raising his fist and people chanting USA after that feels so dystopian.. idk what’s going to ensue after this incident so sorry for the people that died and were injured
  7. For her posting the last photo on insta of her with her friends on the 4th with the song playing = promo
  8. I’m definitely going to watch it , ty for the recommendation!!
  9. i've been watching a couple of reaction videos from people who don't usually listen to lana's music and it is so interesting to see them liking the song or even being shocked that they like a lana song lmao
  10. If you come from where you come, then you were born tough
  11. Sometimes you just want to shake your booty to a song with a trap beat by lana
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