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Rorman Nockwell

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About Rorman Nockwell

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    Highly Emotional Person

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  1. I feel like all letters should be signed May Jailer
  2. Well there's a difference between being a good leader and a good person By "good leader" I mean good at getting people to follow you, not necessarily good policies I can think of quite a few awful men who fall into this category
  3. Not American, but imo Trump likes to act as if he's a victim of the system despite the fact that he's actually a notable beneficiary of the system And so people who feel marginalised or simply disgruntled with the system feel like he's a relatable figure This sort of "damn the man" mindset So then, in their minds, they can easily dismiss all his scandals because they don't see them as real or valid Idk that's how it seems to me
  4. Do we think the US is ready to elect a woman (especially a WOC?) I mean I hope so, but
  5. @bunoner stop causing problems
  6. Yeah I think there should be an age cap No country-leading for old men I thought it waa funny that Bernie Sanders said he doesn't think Biden is too old and he's like 85 himself
  7. Well yeah; I've found this in general with government surveillance services People assume they know what they're doing but ... not really. OT but related anecdote:
  8. I agree I don't believe in the conspiracy theories but it's crazy that they didn't secure nearby rooftops, though If you were given the job of securing that rally then I feel like that'd be top of the list for any hinged person Clearly the rooftops were thought about cos they had snipers on one, so wtf Honestly bizarre
  9. I- Okay I didn't know that I knew there was speculation but not to that extent I thought so too but you can see her scalp so I really don't think it's a wig (and extensions wouldn't rly work with thinning) ANYWAY as I said I don't WANT her to go through bad stuff just so other people feel better about themselves or anything, it just struck me that maybe the palace should've chosen the information they put out more carefully I guess I thought the reason they mentioned chemo specifically was to prepare ppl for when she reappeared with a pixie cut or something iykwim If they intended all along to make her look "normal" (be it with wigs or extensions or whatever) when she reappeared then why even give that detail? No one would've known Then again it's an unprecedented situation
  10. Look I'm not saying I want the woman to look sick or anything but I do think that the palace shouldn't've publicised that she was having chemo specifically I think it's potentially quite demoralising for other cancer sufferers to see this woman who looks exactly the same as always (immaculate clothes and hair) going to Wimbledon etc when they are losing their hair and feeling too sick to do anything Quite obviously she's having a type of chemo that doesn't cause hair loss (or is simply lucky) and she feels okay but as I said, I don't think it was thought through how this might look (no pun intended) and it would've been better to be vague on the details (eg "treatment") Obviously this is no fault of Kate's personally, I'm sure it's been rough and I wish her all the best, but yeah. Spending months excusing her from duties and the palace trying to frame it as being relatable to a normal cancer patient's experience was not it imo
  11. I see what you're saying but I also think that as (arguably) the most intelligent and evolved species on the planet, it's more learned than instinctive behaviour with us Gender constructs play a huge role and it's a whole other discussion People being expected to be this and that by society because of their biological sex It's all harmful and unnecessary af But the demographic in our little community here knows this all too well
  12. Yeah I mean I think anyone who does such a thing obviously has mental health struggles but it's not an excuse Everyone knows that hurting others is not an okay thing to do With that said, it seems to be predominantly young men who do this shit and I think we, as a society, need to have an honest conversation about why that is Every time someone tries to bring that up it turns into gender wars and that isn't the point or intention, and so then the problem cannot be addressed because fragile men feel attacked The POINT is why are young men getting to this point where they feel the need to hurt people and how can we help them before they get to that point Anyways I'm just ranting but yeah
  13. The US is never going to be able to get rid of guns It's embedded in the culture in a way that it just ISN'T in other countries The fact that American shows and movies, books, games etc are the overriding Western culture plays a huge part So this "but [insert European country/Australia/wherever] doesn't have a gun problem" is, imo, the wrong approach because fundamental ways of thinking need to change Guns were never embedded in the culture of Australia the way they are in the US so it was much easier for us to get rid of them We also have far fewer people But this idea that everyone has a gun so no one messes with anyone else is obviously not how it works Yes if there are fewer guns then the guns there ARE tend to belong to criminals AND people use other things to commit mass killings (knives and crossbows n shit) but guns can kill more people in a short amount of time than other weapons So idk what the solution is
  14. Okay but it isn't a regular Mario game Like yeah it includes Peach and Bowser and Goombas etc but also many unique characters with really cute backstories And the papercraft world adds a fun new dimension. Like you can turn into a paper plane n shit Highly recommend (and it's super cute) I like cosy games too and I was a bit skeptical about this game cos it has combat, but it's turn-based combat and you get to choose fun, creative attacks My favourite was art attack where you draw around the enemy with your joycon and the more circles you do, the more damage you do
  15. I don't care for Trump at ALL but even I found the pictures of him hurt a bit upsetting (like I would if it was any other person) The finger pointing in the media is gross. We don't know who did this or why at this point
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