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About Distantly

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  1. Is back to the basics song the mirror song? Or is that something else?
  2. I’ve been super busy and not active, can anyone share if we’ve gotten any single thing from insiders or anything like that? I haven’t really seen anything on Twitter but again haven’t been super active
  3. Well definitely nothing coming this week, it wouldn’t make sense, which is fine. But if her album is coming Friday then next week and thereafter in October the door opens again
  4. She often announces I think weds or thurs so I’m keeping my delulu strong
  5. Yeah and I think they know not to do this on the US and UK site cause it makes it obvious so they do it on smaller sites to hopefully deter us, but we cannot be deterred
  6. Merch that goes up along with the preorder yeah
  7. Isn’t Australia one of the first time zones?? And like almost first alphabetically! So, maybe they’re starting there to test the layouts and links out???? yes, I’m in delulu heaven don’t mind me
  8. I don’t even know what stage of the drought we’re in at this point😭😭
  9. I don’t think it should be a single by any means, but I could see Henry, Come On being a lovely song to have somewhere 2/3s of the album or something like that. Usually the first several songs are pretty important and stronger/more intense, and then somewhere along the way we get some more normal regular songs that many fans love. That’s what I envisioned for Henry, Come On upon hearing the snippet and still do. But also if it doesn’t make the album I wouldn’t be heartbroken, it doesn’t sound like anything that another good song can’t replace and we’d be happy with, BUT it should still leak or something.
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